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Rough ditching can be done with a dozer by making a series of overlapping passes at right angles to the line of the ditch. A "V" type of ditch can be dug with a dozer as follows: First, buildup a windrow along the edge of

Figure 11-34 .-Sidehill excavation.

Figure 11-31.- "V" ditch construction.

Figure 11-32.-Angle blade ditch cut.

Figure 11-35.-Shallow slope sidehill excavation.

the ditch (fig. 11-31). Then turn the machine parallel to the line of the ditch, get the outside track on the window, and make a pass along the windrow. With the outside track elevated by the windrow, the blade cuts one side of a "V" type of ditch. Cut the other side the same way. An angle blade is preferable for digging a "V" type of ditch for two reasons: (1) you can side cast the windrow in a single pass and (2) the angled blade will side cast the material to the sides of the ditch as you travel along the windrow, as shown in figure 11-32.

Western Governors University

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