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Recall from chapter 1 that Pascals theorem, from which the fundamental law for the science of hydraulics evolved, was proposed in the seventeenth century. One stipulation to make the law effective for practical applications was a piston that would "fit" the opening in the vessel "exactly." However, it was not until the late eighteenth century that Joseph Brahmah invented an effective piston seal, the cup packing. This led to Brahmah's development of the hydraulic press. The packing was probably the most important invention in the development of hydraulics as a leading method of transmitting power. The development of machines to cut and shape closely fitted parts was also very important in the development of hydraulics. However, regardless of how precise the machining process is, some type of packing is usually required to make the piston, and many other parts of hydraulic components, "fit exactly." This also applies to the components of pneumatic systems.

Through years of research and experiments, many different materials and designs have been created in attempts to develop suitable packing devices. Suitable materials must be durable, must provide effective sealing, and must be compatible with the fluid used in the system.

The packing materials are commonly referred to as seals or sealing devices. The seals used in fluid power systems and components are divided into two general classes-static seals and dynamic seals.

The static seal is usually referred to as a gasket. The function of a gasket is to provide a material that can flow into the surface irregularities of mating areas that require sealing. To do this, the gasket material must be under pressure. This requires that the joint be tightly bolted or otherwise held together. The dynamic seal, commonly referred to as a packing, is used to provide a seal between two parts that move in relation to each other. These two classifications of sealsgaskets and packingapply in most cases; however, deviations are found in some technical publi-cations. Certain types of seals (for example, the O-ring, which is discussed later) may be used either as a gasket or a packing. Many of the seals in fluid power systems prevent external leakage. These seals serve two purposesto seal the fluid in the system and to keep foreign matter out of the system. Other seals simply prevent internal leakage within a system.

NOTE: Although leakage of any kind results in a loss of efficiency, some leakage, especially internal leakage, is desired in hydraulic systems to provide lubrication of moving parts. This also applies to some pneumatic systems in which drops of oil are introduced into the flow of air in the system.

The first part of this chapter deals primarily with the different types of materials used in the construction of seals. The next section is devoted to the different shapes and designs of seals and their application as gaskets and/or packings in fluid power systems. Also included in this chapter are sections concerning the functions of wipers and backup washers in fluid power systems and the selection, storage, and handling of sealing devices.


As mentioned previously, many different materials have been used in the development of sealing devices. The material used for a particular application depends on several factors: fluid compatibility, resistance to heat, pressure, wear resistance, hardness, and type of motion. The selection of the correct packings and gaskets and their proper installation are important factors in maintaining an efficient fluid power system. The types of seals to be used in a particular piece of equipment is specified by the equipment manufacturer.

Often the selection of seals is limited to seals covered by military specifications. However, there are occasions when nonstandard or proprietary seals reflecting the advancing state of the art may be approved. Thus, it is important to follow the manufacturers instructions when you replace seals. If the proper seal is not available, you should give careful consideration in the selection of a suitable substitute. Consult the Naval Ships Technical Manual, military standards, military standardization handbooks, and other applicable technical manuals if you have any doubts in selecting the proper seal.

Seals are made of materials that have been carefully chosen or developed for specific applications. These materials include tetrafluoroethylene (TFE), commonly called Teflon; synthetic rubber (elastomers); cork; leather; metal; and asbestos. Some of the most common materials used to make seals for fluid power systems are discussed in the following paragraphs.


Cork has several of the required properties, which makes it ideally suited as a sealing material in certain applications. The compressibility of cork seals makes them well suited for confined applications in which little or no spread of the material is allowed. The compressibility of cork also makes a good seal that can be cut to any desired thickness and shape to fit any surface and still provide an excellent seal.

One of the undesirable characteristics of cork is its tendency to crumble. If cork is used as packing or in areas where there is a high fluid pressure and/or high flow velocity, small particles will be cast off into the system. Cork use in fluid power systems is therefore limited. It is sometimes used as gasket materials for inspection plates of hydraulic reservoirs.

Cork is generally recommended for use where sustained temperatures do not exceed 275 0F.


Cork and rubber seals are made by combining synthetic rubber and cork. This combination has the properties of both of the two materials. This means that seals can be made with the compressibility of cork, but with a resistance to fluid comparable to the synthetic rubber on which they are based. Cork and rubber composition is sometimes used to make gaskets for applications similar to those described for cork gaskets.


Leather is a closely knit material that is generally tough, pliable, and relatively resistant to abrasion, wear, stress, and the effects of temperature changes. Because it is porous, it is able to absorb lubricating fluids. This porosity makes it necessary to impregnate leather for most uses. In general, leather must be tanned and treated in order to make it useful as a gasket material. The tanning processes are those normally used in the leather industry. Leather is generally resistant to abrasion regardless of whether the grain side or the flesh side is exposed to abrasive action. Leather remains flexible at low temperatures and can be forced with comparative ease into contact with metal flanges. When properly impregnated, it is impermeable to most liquids and some gases, and capable of withstanding the effects of temperatures ranging from 70 0F to +220 0F.

Leather has four basic limitations. First, the size of the typical hide limits the size of the seals that can be made from leather. A second limitation is the number of seals that are acceptable. Another limitation is that under heavy mechanical pressures leather tends to extrude. Finally, many of the properties (such as impermeability, tensile strength, high- and low-temperature resistance, pliability, and compatibility with environment) depend upon the type of leather and impregnation. Leathers not tanned and impregnated for specific conditions and properties will become brittle, dry, and completely degreased by exposure to particular chemicals. Leather is never used with steam pressure of any type, nor with acid or alkali solutions.

Leather may be used as packing. When molded into Vs and Us, and cups, and other shapes, it can be applied as dynamic packing, while in its flat form it can be used as straight compression packing.


One of the most common metal seals used in Navy equipment is copper. Flat copper rings are sometimes used as gaskets under adjusting screws to provide a fluid seal. Molded copper rings are sometimes used as packing with speed gears operating under high pressures. Either type is

Figure 7-1.Spiral-wouna metallic-asbestos gasket.

easily bent and requires careful handling. In addition, copper becomes hard when used over long periods and when subjected to compression. Whenever a unit or component is disassembled, the copper sealing rings should be replaced. However, if new rings are not available and the part must be repaired, the old ring should be softened by annealing. (Annealing is the process of heating a metal, then cooling it, to make it more pliable and less brittle.)

Metallic piston rings are used as packing in some fluid power actuating cylinders. These rings are similar in design to the piston rings in automobile engines.

Metal is also used with asbestos to form spiral-wound metallic-asbestos gaskets (fig. 7-1). These gaskets are composed of interlocked plies of preformed corrugated metal and asbestos strips, called a filler.

The filler may or may not be encased in a solid metal outer ring. These gaskets are used in flanged connections and for connecting the body to the bonnet in some valves, and are usually required in specific high-pressure, high-temperature applications.


The term rubber and synthetic rubbers, covers many natural each of which can be compounded into numerous varieties. The characteristics of these varieties have a wide range, as shown in table 7-1. The table shows, with the exception of a few basic similarities, that rubbers have diverse properties and limitations; therefore, specific applications require careful study before the sealing material is selected.

Natural rubbers have many of the charac-teristics required in an effective seal. However, their very poor resistance to petroleum fluids and rapid aging when exposed to oxygen or ozone limit their use. Today their use has almost ceased. There are two general classes of synthetic rubber seals. One class is made entirely of a certain synthetic rubber. The term homogeneous, which means having uniform structure or composition throughout, is frequently used to describe this class of seal. The other class of seal is made by impregnating woven cotton duck or fine-weave asbestos with synthetic rubber. This class is sometimes referred to as fabricated seals. Additional information on sealing materials is provided in the Military Handbook, Gasket the Naval Ships Technical Manual, chapter 078.

Western Governors University

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