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SUMMARY In this chapter we have discussed object damage, borescope inspection, and troubleshooting related to GTEs. We also discussed corrosion, its causes, effects, and some of the methods available to us to combat and minimize it. Since a TRAMAN is not designed to deal with all aspects of anyone subject, you should study the various publications on the prevention and control of corrosion mentioned in this chapter. of particular interest are the Propulsion Gas Turbine Manual LM2500, volume 2, part 2, S9234-AD-MMO-040 LM2500; the NSTM, chapter 234, "Marine Gas Turbines," S9086-HC-STM-000; and Corrosion Control and Prevention Manual for DD-963 Class Ships, NAVSEA S9630-AB-MAN-010. Throughout this chapter and again in the summary you have often been referred to the applicable technical manuals or the PMS for specific information. You must use these References to guide you through the procedures. Proper use of the technical manuals and the PMS will ensure that you make a complete inspection and/ or properly isolate a problem.

Table 2-1a.- LM2500 Condition

Table 2-1b.- LM2500 Condition Codes (Cont'd)

Table 2-1c.- LM2500 Condition Codes (Cont'd)

Table 2-1d.- LM2500 Condition Codes (Cont'd)

Figure 2-11a.- Engine inspection nomenclature.

Figure 2-11b.- Engine inspection nomenclature.



Western Governors University

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