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DIAGNOSTIC ROUTINES.\ Most microcomputer systems come with online diagnostic routines. These are tests you run from the keyboard. They are in addition to the diagnostic tests the system automatically runs when you turn it on. Your system will probably provide a disk read test, a keyboard test, memory tests, and a power-up test. The diagnostic program will tell you what commands to use to perform each test, what to look for, and how to stop each test.

A major hardware failure could prevent the system from being able to display error messages on the display screen. Should this happen, your microcomputer system unit may have diagnostic light-emitting diodes (indicator lights) to help isolate the problem. Follow the instructions in the owner/user manuals.

Table 2-1.\Checklist for Identifying Problems


In this chapter on computer center operations, we covered trouble reports, computer system output, environmental conditions, console operations, virus protection software, AIS requests, and the media library. This is but a sampling of what will be expected of you as you enter the computer center. You will build on this foundation with the skills you have and those you will learn.

Western Governors University

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