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Q1. Into how many time zones has the earth been divided?

Q2. What is the Greenwich mean time at longitude 352720E if the local zone time is 0900?

Q3. Define the declination of a celestial body.

Q4. In a time diagram, where is the observer assumed to be located?

Q5. The sun is observed in the direction of the equator from the zenith of the observer's location. What is the observer's latitude if the observed declination is N1510 and the corrected meridian altitude is 6207?

Q6. Refer to figure 15-31 and use table 15-5. What is the computed bearing of the line AB?

Q7. What is the primary advantage of a chain of polygons over a chain of triangles?

Q8. What is the primary difference between a primary triangulation station and a secondary triangulation station?

Figure 15-32.-Quadrilateral.

Q9. After the quadrilateral shown in figure 15-32 is first figure adjusted what is the value of angle 5?

A1. 24.

A2. 0600.

A3. The angular distance of a celestial body measured north or south of the celestial equator along the hour circle of the body.

A4. Over the south celestial pole.

A5. N4303.

A6. S765500.1"E.

A7. The calculation of the length of the sides can be cross-checked using different routes.

A8. A primary triangulation station is used as an instrument station and a sighted station. A secondary station is used only for sighting.

A9. 382218.25".

Western Governors University

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