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T/W SWITCH - In television, the zoom servo lever that regulates the operation of a zoom lens (T for telephoto and W for wide angle). TALENT - In television, the performer being photographed, such as the newscaster. TALLY LIGHT - In television, the light atop the camera and inside the viewfinder that is illuminated when the shot produced by the camera is on the air. TAPE HEAD SEQUENCE - The order in which the tape heads appear on a reel-to-reel tape recorder/ reproducer. In most cases, the tape head sequence (from left to right) is erase, record and playback. TERTIARY MOVEMENT - In television, an effect produced from a sequence of shots involving two or more cameras. TEST STRIP - In still photography, a contact print produced to determine the correct exposure and contrast. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS - A not-for-profit, cooperative news service that series newspapers, magazines and radio and television stations. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS STYLEBOOK AND LIBEL MANUAL - The recommended guide for preparing military news. THIRTY (30) - A direction typed on the last page of copy to indicate the end of the story. THREE-SHOT - In television, a shot that includes three talents. TIE-BACK - A newswriting device that allows the writer to refresh the reader's memory about past events related to the story being written. TIE-IN - A newswriting device that provides supplementary information to the story being written. TILT - In television, a secondary camera movement wherein the camera is moved vertically on a stationary pedestal. TONE - In a photographic negative or print, the degree of lightness or darkness of the various parts of the image. TOUR - A planned program conducted for an individual or group designed to increase public awareness and understanding of a command and its mission. TRACK, AUDIO - In television, the portion of the videotape that contains the audio information. Virtually all videotape formats provide enough space for the recording of two audio tracks. TRACK, CONTROL - In television, the portion of the videotape that provides the necessary foundation to control and synchronize videotape editing and playback functions. TRACK, TIME CODE ADDRESS - In television, the portion of the videotape used to record cuing information for editing, such as audio or visual time/frame identification. TRACK, VIDEO - The portion of the videotape that contains the video information. The video track takes up about three-quarters of the available space on a videotape. TRUCK - In television, a secondary camera movement wherein the camera is moved horizontally on its pedestal. TWO-SHOT - In television, a shot that includes two talents. TYPEFACE - The characteristic design of type. The following are the six main classes of type: Roman, Gothic, Text, Italics, Script and Contemporary TYPE FAMILIES - Typefaces that are similar, though not exactly alike in design. TYPE FONT - A complete assortment of type of one size and style. TYPE SERIES - The weight, width and angle of type. When a series carries only the family name, with no adjectives indicating variations in width, weight or angle, it maybe assumed that the type is normal. TYPOGRAPHY - The art of printing with type, involving the style, arrangement and appearance of the printed page. UNIT COUNT SYSTEM (flit-j) - A method used to calculate the lengths of headlines by assigning numeric values to letters, numeric characters and punctuation characters. UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL - A news service that serves newspapers, magazines and radio and television stations and sells its services to subscribing news organizations. VCR - Videocassette recorder. VIDEO NOISE - An effect that occurs when the video signals produced by the pickup tube of a camera are not strong enough to override the electronic interference the system usually generates. VIDEOCASSETTE - A plastic container in which a videotape moves from a supply reel to a take-up reel. VIDEOTAPE - A form of magnetic tape for recording pictures and sound that can be played back immediately without processing. VIDEOTAPE, 8mm (Hi8) - A videotape format that is 8mm (approximately l/3-inch) wide and housed in a plastic cassette. VIDEOTAPE, 1/2-INCH BETA - A videotape format that is l/2-inch wide and housed in a plastic cassette. The Beta format is not compatible with VHS (the other l/2-inch videotape format). VIDEOTAPE, l/2-INCH VHS - A videotape format that is l/2-inch wide and housed in a plastic cassette. The VHS format is not compatible with Beta (the other l/2-inch videotape format). VIDEOTAPE, 3/4-INCH U-MATIC - A videotape format that is 3/4-inch wide and housed in a plastic cassette. VIEWFINDER - A miniature black-and-white television screen through which the camera operator views the scene being photographed. VISUAL - In television, a device, such as a graphic or photographic technique, used to enhance a television production. VU METER - Volume units meter. In radio and television, a device used on playback units and recorders to gauge soft and loud graduations of amplitude. Correct VU meter readings are achieved when average music and voice peaks fall between 80 and 100 percent. WASH - The process of using water to remove soluble chemicals from photographic layers, especially the removal of fixer to avoid subsequent fading or discoloration of the silver image. WAVEFORM MONITOR - In television, a type of oscilloscope used to display a video signal graphically. Television technicians use the waveform monitor to setup and test studio television cameras. WEBSTER'S NEW WORLD DICTIONARY, THIRD COLLEGE EDITION - The dictionary of first reference when spelling, style and usage questions are not covered in The Associated Press Stylebook and Libel Manual. WELCOME ABOARD BOOKLET - A public affairs office publication that familiarizes visitors and guests with a ship or station. It normally contains a photograph of the ship (or the main gate of a shore command), CO's welcome letter, mission statement, brief history of the command and unclassified statistics and facts. WETTING AGENT - A chemical added to water to reduce surface tension, thereby improving wetting characteristics and reducing the formation of water drops. WIDE SHOT - See LONG SHOT. WIDOW - A line of type at the top of a column that is less than one-half the width of the line measure of the article. ZOOM - In television, a secondary camera movement similar to a dolly, but the camera does not move. It is done by zooming in or out with a zoom lens. ZOOM FOCUS - In television, the process of zooming all the way in on the subject and setting the focus, then zooming out to the focal length desired. With zoom focus, everything in the depth of field will remain in focus, including the object focused on, provided the distance between it and the camera does not change. ZOOM SERVO - In television, an electronically controlled motor that regulates the operation of a zoom lens. |
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