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REQUISITIONING PROCEDURES Requisitioning procedures include the use of requisition forms, requisition submission, the Uniform Material Movement and Issue Priority System, open purchase, service market (SERVMART) purchases, requisition logs and files, outstanding requisitions, completed requisitions, and requisition status. This section discusses each of these procedures. Requisition Forms There are several methods to requisition material. They include Military Standard Requisitioning and Issue Procedures (MILSTRIP) forms, forms for printing services, forms for work and other services, and letter requisitions. MILSTRIP FORMS.-MILSTRIP forms are used to order material from the Navy Supply System, other military installations, the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA), and the General Services Administration (GSA). MILSTRIP requisitioning is based on the use of a coded, single-line item document for each supply transaction. For detailed information on MILSTRIP requisitioning, refer to COMOMAG/ MOMAGINST 4000.1 and NAVSUP P-485. The following MILSTRIP forms are the most commonly used in the Mine Force: * DD Form 1348 (4- or 6-Part): The DOD Single-Line Item Requisition System Document (DD Form 1348) (4-or 6-PT) is used for requisitioning standard stock items (items with NSNs or NICNs) that are chargeable to OPTAR, mine maintenance, APA material, or publications funds. See figure 2-4 9 DD Form 1348-6. The NON-NSN Requisition (DD Form 1348-6) is used for requisitioning nonstandard items (NON-NSNs), whether chargeable or non-chargeable. Be sure to provide all the data that is required. SeE figure 2-5, * NAVSUP Form 1250-1. The Single-Line Consumption/Requisition Document (NAVSUP Form 1250- 1) is used for requisitioning standard stock items (Navy stock numbers [NSNs or NICNs) that are chargeable to OPTAR funds or to mine maintenance APA
Figure 2-4.-DOD Single-Line Item Requisition System Document (DD Form 1348 [6-PT]). Figure 2-5.-NON-NSN Requisition (DD Form 1348-6). material if the supporting activity will accept it. It may not be used to order publications. 0 DD Form 1149. The Requisition and Invoice/ Shipping Document (DD Form 1149) is preferred by certain remote supply activities for requisitioning nonstandard items. However, the DD Form 1348-6 is the proper form to use. Keep the use of the DD Form 1149 to a minimum. Se OTHER REQUISITIONING FORMS.- Other services provided through the supply system require the use of different types of requisitions. The services are usually provided locally, and the use of the belowlisted forms is required, as applicable. 0 DD Form 282. The DOD Printing Requisition (DD Form 282) is used for ordering printing services. An obligation document DD Form 1348 is prepared and distributed in accordance with NAVSUP P-485. e NAVCOMPT Form 2275. The Order for Work and Services (NAVCOMPT Form 2275) is used to order work and services. It is used where required by MOMAG units and detachments for chargeable services, such as utilities, transportation, equipment rental, or any other specific request for routine or emergency services. For further information, refer to COMOMAG/ MOMAGINST 4000.1. 0 Letter requisitions. Occasionally, a piece of equipment or a part for an underwater mine will not have an assigned stock number. This indicates that the material is not generally available for intermediatelevel or depot-level use. The requirement for such items should be referred by letter to the Officer-in-Charge, Naval Mine Warfare Engineering Activity (NAVMINEWARENGACT), via the COMOMAG, explaining the circumstances and justifying the actual need for the item. Requisition Submissions Requisitions for material must be submitted to various stocking points, depending on the items required. Procedures for the submission of requisitions are in NAVSUP P-485 and COMOMAG/ MOMAGINST 4000.1 In certain situations, material requirements dictate the need for procurement by message rather than by the submission of standard requisition documents. The Ship's Parts Control Center (SPCC) in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, has requested that the Defense Automatic Addressing System (DAAS) be maximized for submitting ammunition requisitions, as the use of the DAAS expedites SPCC processing. The use of message requisitions, either DAAS or plain language, requires that attention be paid to the proper usage of MILSTRIP codes. Any omissions or invalid MILSTRIP codes will cause the requisition to be canceled or rejected without notification to the requisitioner. Figure 2-6.-Single-Line Consumption/Requisition Document (NAVSUP Form 1250-1).
Figure 2-7~Requisition and Invoice/Shipping Document (DD Form 1149). Anytime a message or the DAAS is used, a DD Form 1348 must be typed with the date-time-group (DTG) in the message's remarks section. The original of each DD Form 1348 is discarded and the remaining copies are filed in accordance with COMOMAG/MOMAGINST 4000.1. Uniform Material Movement and Issue Priority System An essential part of MILSTRIP is the requirement to assign priorities in accordance with set standards of the Uniform Material Movement and Issue Priority System (UMMIPS). When material is requisitioned, moved, or issued, it is necessary to set a common basis of determining the importance of competing demands for resources in the logistics systems. Such resources include material assets, requisition processing, transportation priorities, and storage. The method used for expressing the military urgency of a requirement is the priority designator (PD), which ranges from 01 (highest) to 15 (lowest). It is assigned to a requisition to determine the time that the requirement will be processed by the supply system. The PD is determined by the requisitioner's assigned force/activity designator and the proper urgency of need designator. FORCE/ACTIVITY DESIGNATOR.- The force/activity designator (F/AD) is a Roman numeral (I through V) assigned by the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF), the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), or a DOD component to indicate the mission essentiality of a unit, an organization, an installation, a project, or a program to meet national objectives. The F/AD is Table 2-2.-Urgency of Need Definitions
based on a DOD determination of an activity's mission or essentiality. F/AD assignments are based on the lowest F/AD required to indicate the activity's relative importance to national objectives. Mission priority ranges from combat, combat ready, and declared emergencies (F/AD I) to all other forces and activities (F/ADs II, III, IV, and V). Currently, F/AD II is assigned to MOMAG activities outside the Continental United States (CONUS), while F/AD III is assigned to CONUS MOMAG activities. URGENCY OF NEED DESIGNATOR.- The urgency of need designator (UND) is a letter (A, B, or C) that indicates the relative urgency of need for a requirement of a force or an activity. The activity's assigned F/AD, with the appropriate UND, determines the correct priority designator to be assigned to a requisition. The basic definitions for UNDs are into Table 2-2 Table 1-2 shows the priority designators. The table is easy to use. For example, if your activity is assigned an F/AD of II and your requirement is of a routine nature, the priority to be assigned is 12. In addition to providing standardized criteria for assigning priorities, UMMIPS provides acceptable maximum processing times for use by supply activities in furnishing material. Processing time standards and additional codes used in MILSTRIP and UMMIPS are included in NAVSUP P-485. Open Purchase Open purchase refers to the purchase of items outside the normal supply system. Unit and detachment commanding officers and officers-in-charge are not designated as contracting or ordering officers and are not authorized to purchase these items. Any requirement for non-standard material must be submitted to the supporting supply activity. When an open purchase is necessary, you are required to find the availability of the item and the estimated cost of that item through commercial vendors. Extreme care must be taken to ensure that you will not make a commitment of government funds without approval from the supporting supply activity. A commitment of funds without prior approval can result in your personal acceptance of the financial obligation. SERVMART Purchases A SERVMART is a self-service store that is operated by an ashore supply activity to provide a ready supply of relatively low-cost items that are frequently required by area commands. The self-service feature and the simplified requisitioning procedure allow supply activities a substantial cost savings, while permitting their customers to obtain material quickly and without having to prepare and submit a separate requisition for each item ordered. SERVMARTs issue a shopping guide that lists cognizance symbols, NSNs, names, units of issue, unit prices, and storage locations of the items stocked. The guide is a quick reference to eliminate the need for looking up each individual item in separate publications. When you use the SERVMART, you must prepare a SERVMART Shopping List (NAVSUP Form 1314), Table 2-3.-Table Relating FADs and UNDs to Priority Designators
shown in and a DD Form 1348 (4-PT). This procedure is mandatory for all procurements from the SERVMART. A separate SERVMART shopping list will accompany each requisition according to the job order number; for example, categories of funds such as custodial, building maintenance supplies, or items of a general nature. Requisition Logs The requisition log is the principal financial control device for a command and is maintained by fiscal year. It is divided into three sections: OPTAR, mine maintenance, and APA, with tabs clearly indicating each section. Each unit and detachment must establish a requisition log in which all requisitioning documents are recorded. Most of the columns in the log are self-explanatory, but you should observe the following general rules: 0 Make corrections with a single line drawn through the entry and initial the error. 0 Clew out the OPTAR and mine maintenance logs on the 8th, 18th, and 28th of each month (26th for February) and the last day of the fiscal year. Write all entries legibly in ink. Enter all cancellations and adjustments reducing an obligation in red ink. Number each page sequentially. Enter the fiscal year on each page. When you close out the log each month and at the end of the fiscal year, ensure that the proper entries have been made, the columns are totaled, and the transmittal number is posted at the end of the period cover. Requisition files are established according to the types of accounting funds involved. MOMAG activities maintain files for OPTAR, mine maintenance, and APA. Each requisition file is maintained on a fiscal year basis by document number sequence (Julian date and serial number). Outstanding Requisitions The outstanding requisitions file is actually three files broken down by the types of funds you use (OPTAR, mine maintenance, APA). The purpose of this file is to have receipt documents immediately available for processing when the material is received. In addition, the file provides a central location for use as a reference for follow-up action. It also acts as a depository for all receipt documents from the time the request is initiated until the proof of receipt is obtained. The file may also be used for all other actions that have been taken on a particular document. The term outstanding denotes material that has been requisitioned, but has not yet been received or canceled by the activity. When a procurement document is submitted, a copy of the document is placed in the outstanding files. Completed Requisitions When requisitioned material is received or canceled, all related documents are placed in a material completion file. Like the outstanding files, three similar types of completion files must be kept (OPTAR, mine maintenance, APA). A requisition that has been only partially filled is retained in the outstanding file until action is either completed or canceled. The amount and type of status information an activity receives is determined by the media and status (M&S) code assigned to a requisition. The supply status keeps an activity informed as to the action being taken by supply activities furnishing the requested material. Supply status is usually received on a DD Form 1348m (mechanical). This form is almost identical to a DD Form 1348 (manual), except that the DD Form 1348m is a computer punch card and all pertinent information is printed across the top of the card. For high-priority requisitions, supply-status information may also be received by message. The information is similar to the message requisition. When status information is received, it should be reviewed immediately to determine the purpose of the document and whether any action is required by the receiving activity. Status documents may cancel an existing requisition, provide backorder information or shipping status, represent passing actions, or modify an order. The status document may also challenge an order. A challenge requires the requisitioner to justify the requested material. Under certain circumstances, if an activity fails to respond to a status document within a specified period of time, the requisition is canceled automatically. Too many status codes exist to identify them all in this training manual. As a member of the supply department, you must be aware of the various codes your activity may encounter. NAVSUP P-485 provides a complete listing of status codes.
Figure 2-8.-SERVMART Shopping List (NAVSUP Form 1314).
MILSTRIP/MILSTRAP Desk Guide, NAVSUP P-409; and Fleet Use of MILSTRIP, NAVSUPINST 4235.3; are also handy references. They provide general information concerning MILSTRIP procedures and contain the most common codes used. |
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