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EXCESS MATERIAL DISPOSITION The disposition (transfer or survey) of mine material may require special authorization or may be automatically authorized. Disposition procedures for mine material depend on many factors, such as the geographical location of the activity with the material, procedures of the inventory control manager, type of material involved, serviceability or unserviceability of the materid, and type of account involved (APA, NSA, etc.). You will be dealing with two types of material dispositions: serviceable and unserviceable. The following sections explain some of the procedures required for disposition of these materials. Serviceable Material Disposition Disposition of excess serviceable material, both service and exercise and training (ET), is required for two reasons: (1) to ensure that you are at your allowance levels, and (2) to make excess material available to other sites having trouble obtaining needed materials. Inventory control managers issue disposition instructions for service and ET mine materials. Some of the items receive automatic disposition, while others require that requests be submitted. COMOMAG/MOMAGINST 4000.1 provides detailed guidance and references for the disposition of excess mine material. An Ammunition Disposition Request and Authorization (NAVSEA Form 8012/2), shown in Ifigure 2-13.1 must be submitted for disposition of excess mine material identified as APA (nonchargeable) items. Instructions for the preparation of this form are in Supply Management of Ammunition, SPCCINST 8010.12, and COMOMG/ MOMAGINST 4000.1. Excess mine material identified as NSA (chargeable) or mandatory turn-in repairable (MTR) and not covered by other instructions should be offered to all units and detachments by letter, with an information copy to the COMOMAG. Material not required for immediate use by MOMAG activities is processed under normal disposition procedures. Unserviceable Material Disposition Assembly-level items reported as reject material on supplement-B and supplement-E sheets normally do not require disposition requests. Disposition instructions are provided automatically by NAVMINEWARENGACT when certain function codes are used on the supplement sheets, unless a reporting activity indicates otherwise. Disposition instructions are forwarded on computer printout sheets and include sufficient data for an activity to prepare the shipping documents. If disposition instructions for reject items reported on supplement sheets are not received within 3 months, a follow-up tracer letter should be submitted to the NAVMINEWARENGACT. Reclassification of Materials Ammunition is designed and produced with as high a degree of safety and reliability as possible. However, during quality evaluation or surveillance testing, it is sometimes determined that an item will no longer function following design specifications. Therefore, its use must be limited, suspended, or permanently curtailed. Malfunctions and discrepancies reported by using units also prompt inputs to the reclassification program, as does the declaration of material as obsolete/disposable. Information on reclassification actions is promulgated by the SPCC via notices of ammunition reclassification (NARs) or changes to Ammunition Unserviceable, Suspended, and Limited Use, TW024-AA-ORD-010. NARs supplement the TW024-AA-ORD-010. Each NAR contains a separate reclassification action. A NAR may also be used to transmit technical or precautionary data pending its inclusion into the appropriate technical manual. NARs are distributed in message format to Address Indicating Group 181
Figure 2-13~Anununition Disposition Request and Authorization (NAVSEA Form 8012/2). (AIG 181). Each NAR message normally contains more than one NAR. Since NARs are numbered sequentially through each calendar year, check the NAR numbers against the previously received NARs whenever you receive a NAR message. If any void is noted in the sequence of NAR numbers, request retransmission of the missing NARs from the SPCC. Each activity with reclassified ammunition on hand must report it as soon as possible in accordance with the TW024-AA-ORD-010, unless otherwise directed in the NAR message. Material reported in response to a NAR should not be reported again when reclassification information is incorporated in the TW024-AA-ORD-010. Individual holding activities should dispose of ammunition reclassified as suspended or unserviceable in accordance with the TW024-AA-ORD-010 or by a NAR through normal supply channels. MISSING, LOST, STOLEN, OR RECOVERED GOVERNMENT PROPERTY Certain categories of material are so sensitive that they must be made immediately visible to investigating agencies at the time of loss or recovery. In light of this, the Navy has instituted reporting procedures to help recognize physical security needs and to reduce property losses. Report of Missing, Lost, Stolen, or Recovered (M-L-S-R) Government Property, SECNAVINST 5500.4, and COMOMAG/MOMAGINST 4000.1 give complete instructions on reporting M-L-S-R material. Material in the following categories must be reported: 0 All serialized or unserialized firearms, weapons, ammunition, explosives, and other destructive devices, regardless of value. Precious metals (valued over $ 100). Classified material. Navy property requiring the completion of a Report of Survey (DD Form 200). Proper management of naval material is a matter of top priority for all personnel, and all personnel are responsible for safeguarding all government property under their jurisdiction, whether or not they have signed a receipt. MATERIAL SHIPMENT PROCEDURES Material movement is an essential link in the chain of supply support. Vast quantities of material move daily in support of naval operations and they represent a substantial en route dollar value. Many of the en route items affect, to some degree, the operational capabilities of naval activities. When, as a result of improper documentation and marking, shipments are delayed, misrouted, or lost, man-hours are lost in tracing the delinquent shipments. More importantly, the lack of critically needed parts reduces the operational capabilities of the intended recipient. The Military Standard Transportation and Movement Procedures (MILSTAMP) System provides a means for better control of transportation performance to users. It also provides more efficient usage of available Defense Transportation System (DTS) capabilities. In addition, it permits greater efficiency in shipment planning. Documents used are uniform, and the system is compatible with MILSTRIP. A standard transportation priority system is based on the UMMIPS. MILSTAMP is mandatory for all military services and other agencies using the DTS. However, MILSTAMP does not apply to the following factors: Internal shipments within military installation or local-area shipments in support of satellite activities. Shipments completed within the mail system. Shipments moving on commercial bills of lading from, to, or between contractor plants. 0 Movement of passengers. Complete information concerning MILSTAMP is contained in Military Standard Transportation and Movement Procedures, DOD Regulation 4500-32-R. Transportation Control and Movement Document In any material transportation system, there is a requirement for certain basic information and data. This is accomplished by using a single, comprehensive, control document, the Transportation Control and Movement Document (DD Form 1384), shown in~ The shipper is responsible for the preparation of this document in its various forms and formats, including message format.
Figure 2-14~1lransportation Control and Movement Document (DD Form 1384).
The transportation control and movement document (TCMD) is a multipurpose document or format that is designed for the following purposes: a To identify the material in a shipment and to indicate the necessary transportation data. It takes the place of airbills, Navy cargo documents, and materialrouting sheets. 0 To obtain clearance and to provide advance notice to intermediate transshipment points that a shipment is to be expected. 0 To provide the information required to trace a shipment. When an activity uses DD Form 1348, one copy of each DD Form 1348-1 associated with the shipment (in addition to the DD Form 1348-1 expenditure file) should be filed with the TCMD. All forms associated with a shipment should be placed in a folder and filed numerically in TCMD-document-number sequence. Transportation Control Number The transportation control number (TCN) is the basic element in the MILSTAMP system. A number is assigned to each shipment unit for the shipment control from origin to destination. To avoid duplicate number assignment, construct TCNs as follows: 0 If the shipment is a fulfillment of the MILSTRIP requisition, the MILSTRIP requisition number and the three alphabetic characters assigned by the command become the TCN. The alphabetic characters identify complete, partial, or split shipments. Complete shipments are indicated by "XXX." 0 If the shipment is non-MILSTRIP, the shipping activity assigns the TCN. The TCN can be derived by referring to appendix C of DODINST 4500.32-R. |
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