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FIESTA-(Spanish) Designates a special recipe used on holidays in Spain.

FILET-(French) Designates a French method of dressing fish, poultry, or meat to exclude bones and include whole muscle strips. The English term is fillet.

FILET CHATEAUBRIAND-Extra thick filet mignon, Russian style, baked in the oven.

FILET MIGNON-May be tenderloin of beef, mutton, veal, or pork.

FINGER ROLL--A bun about 5 inches by 1 inch in size.


BLEACHED FLOUR-Flour that has been treated by a chemical to remove its natural color and make it white.

BOLTING-Sifting of ground grain to remove the bran and coarse particles.

CLEAR FLOUR-Lower grade and higher ash content flour remaining after the patent flour has been separated.

PATENT FLOUR-The flour made from the choice, inner portion of the wheat grain.

STRAIGHT FLOUR-Flour containing all the wheat grain except the bran, termed 100 percent.

STRONG FLOUR-One that is suitable for the production of bread of good volume and quality because of its gas retaining qualities.

WATER ABSORPTION-The ability of flour to absorb water. Factors that affect this ability are age of the flour, moisture content, wheat from which it is milled, storage conditions, and milling process.

FLUFF-A mass of beaten egg white, air, and crushed fruit.

FOAM-Mass of beaten egg and sugar, as in sponge cake before the flour is added.

FOLD IN-To combine ingredients very gently with an up-and-over motion, lifting one ingredient up through the others.

FONDUE-A dish made of melted cheese, butter, eggs, milk, and bread crumbs. The dish has many variations.

FOOD INFECTION-A foodborne illness that is obtained from ingesting foods carrying bacteria that later multiply within the body and produce disease.

FOOD POISONING-Food intoxication. A foodbome illness contracted through ingesting food containing some poisonous substance.

FOO YOUNG-(Chinese) A dish made with scrambled eggs or omelet with cut Chinese vegetables, onions, and meat. Usually, the dish is served with a sauce.

FORMULA-In baking, a recipe giving ingredients, amounts to be used, and the method of preparing the finished product.

FRANC ONIA-(German) An ancient German territory. In culinary sense, means "browned," as whole potatoes browned with roast.

FREEZE DRYING-Drying method where the product is first frozen and then placed in a vacuum chamber (freeze dehydration).  Aided by small controlled inputs of thermal or microwave energy, the moisture in the product passes directly from the ice-crystalline state to moisture vapor and is evacuated.

FRENCH BREAD-An unsweetened, crusty bread, baked in a narrow loaf, and containing little or no shortening.

FRENCHING-A method of preparing boneless veal or pork chops by flattening with a cleaver.

FRICASSEE-To cook by braising; usually applied to poultry or veal cut into pieces.

FRITTERS-Originally a small portion of fruit dipped in batter and fried. The term now includes plain fried balls of batter or balls containing chopped meat, poultry, fruit, or vegetables.

FRIZZLE-To cook in a small amount of fat until food is crisp and curled at the edges; a meat crimped, frizzed, or curled at the edges, as frizzled dried beef and scrambled eggs.

FRY-To cook in hot fat. When a small amount of fat is used, the process is known as panfrying or sauteing; when food is partially covered by the fat, shallow frying; and when food is completely covered, deep-fat frying.

FUMIGANT-A gaseous or colloidal substance used to destroy insects or pests.

FUNGICIDE-An agent that destroys fungi.


GARNISH-To decorate a dish with colorful, savory food items, such as sprigs of parsley placed around fish or potatoes or a colorful bit of fruit added to a dessert.

GELATINIZE-The swelling of starch particles in hot water.

GERM-A pathogenic, or disease-producing, bacterium; a living substance capable of developing into an animal or plant.

GERMICIDE-An agent capable of destroying germs.

GLAZE-A thin sugar syrup coating (or a thickened sugar mixture) used for coating pastries, cakes, and meats.

GLUCOSE -A simple sugar made by action of acid on starch. It is made chiefly from cornstarch and is usually referred to as corn syrup.

GLUTEN-The elastic protein mass that is formed when flour is mixed with water. Composed of two proteins: gliadin for elasticity and glutenin for strength.

GOULASH-(Hungarian) A national stew of Hungary, variously made in the United States of either beef, veal, or frankfurters with onions and potatoes. A

covering sauce has tomato paste and paprika as ingredients. It may be served with sour cream.

GRAHAM FLOUR-Finely ground whole wheat flour.

GRAINING-Refers to the formation of crystals in a cooled sugar solution after it has been boiled. If cooling is slow, large crystals will form. Rapid cooling produces small crystals. Small, fine crystallization, desired in making fondant, is accomplished by rapid mixing during cooling.

GRATE-To pulverize food items by rubbing on the rough surface of a grater,

GREASE-To rub utensil with grease (butter or other fat) preparatory to putting a food material in it to be cooked.

GRILL-To cook, uncovered on a griddle, removing grease as it accumulates. No liquid is added.

GUMBO-A creole dish, resembling soup, that is thickened with okra, its characteristic ingredient.

HARD SAUCE-A dessert sauce made of butter and confectioners' sugar thoroughly creamed. The mixture is thinned or tempered with either boiling water or spirits.

HASH-A dish made of chopped or minced meat and/or vegetable mixture in brown stock.

HEARTH-The heated baking surface of the floor of an oven.

HERMITS-A rich short-flake cookie.

HOLLANDAISE-A hot sauce made with egg yolks and butter and served with vegetables.

HORS D'OEUVRES-(French) Light snack-type food eaten hot or cold at the beginning of a meal. These foods correspond to the Italian antipasto and the Scandinavian smorgasbord.

HOST-Any living animal or plant affording food for growth to a parasite.

HOT CROSS BUNS-A sweet, spicy, fruity bun with a cross cut on the top that is usually filled with a plain frosting.

HUMIDITY-Usually expressed as relative humidity. The capacity of air to retain moisture varies with its temperature. Thus, relative humidity is the present moisture content related to total moisture capacity for the present temperature and stated as a percent.

HUSH PUPPIES-A bread served mostly in the South with fish and is made by deep frying cornbread batter seasoned with onions.

HYDROGENATED OIL-A natural oil that has been treated with hydrogen to convert it to a hardened form.

INCUBATION PERIOD-That time between entrance of disease-producing bacteria in a person and the first appearance of symptoms.

INSECTICIDE-Any chemical substance used for the destruction of insects.

INVERT SUGAR-A mixture of dextrose and levulose made by inverting sucrose with acid or enzymes.

ITALIENNE-(French) Refers to Italian style of cooking.

JAMBALAYA-A creole rice-tomato dish with fish, shellfish, or meat.

JARDINIERE-(French) A meat dish or a garnish, "garden" style, made of several kinds of vegetables.

JELLY WREATHA rolled ring of basic sweet dough containing jelly.

JULIENNE-(French) A way of cutting vegetables, meat, or poultry into fine strips or shreds.

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