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CARAMELIZE-To heat sugar or food containing sugar until sugar melts and a brown color and characteristic flavor develops.

CARAMELIZED SUGAR-Dry sugar heated with constant stirring until melted and dark in color, used for flavoring and coloring.

CARBOHYDRATES-Sugars and starches derived chiefly from fruits and vegetable sources that contain set amounts of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.

CARBON DIOXIDE-A colorless, tasteless, edible gas obtained during fermentation or from a combination of soda and acid.

CARDAMON-Seed of an East Indian spice plant used for flavoring.

CARRIERS-Persons who harbor and send out germs without having symptoms of a disease. The individual has either had the disease atone time and continues to excrete the organism, or has never manifested symptoms because of good resistance to the disease.

CHIFFONADE-(or Chiffonade) (French) A method of cutting foods into fine strips to be used as garnished. (See Julienne.)

CHIFFONADE DRESSING-A salad dressing containing strips of hard-cooked eggs and beets.

CHIFFON CAKE-A sponge cake contacting liquid shortening.

CHIFFON PIE-A pie shell filled with a rich custard-type filling into which whipped egg whites and/or cream have been folded.

CHILI-(Spanish) A pepper or its fruit. Dried chili peppers are ground into chili powder.

CHILI CON CARNE-(Mexican) A dish consisting of ground beef and beans seasoned with chili powder.

CHOP-To cut food into irregular small pieces with a knife or chopper.

CHOP SUEY-A thick stew originating in American-Chinese restaurants, composed of thin slices of pork and various vegetables, among which is a generous amount of bean sprouts, celery, and onions.

COAGULATE-To curdle, clot, congeal, or solidify.

CHOUX PASTE-A pastry dough interlayered with butter or shortening to attain flakiness; leavened

during baking by the internally generated steam; used to make eclairs and cream puffs; also called puff paste.

CHUTNEY-A pickle relish originating in India. Many kinds and amounts of different ingredients are used.

COAT-To cover entire surface of food with a given mixture.

COMPOUNDS-(Baking term) Certain mixtures of fats and oils.

CONDIMENTS-Substances that in themselves furnish little nourishment but have stimulating flavor.

CONGEALING POINT-Temperature at which a liquid changes to a plastic or solid.

CONSOMME-(French) A clear soup made from two or more kinds of concentrated meat stock.

COOKING LOSSES-Weight loss, loss of nutrients, and possibly a lowered palatability resulting from cooking finds.

CORN-A method of preserving and seasoning with salt brine and other preservatives.

CREAMING-The process of mixing and aerating shortening and another solid, such as sugar or flour; to thoroughly blend.

CREAM PUFFS-Baked puffs of cream puff dough that are hollow; usually filled with whipped cream or cooked custard.

CREOLE-A sauce cooked and used over poultry served with rice or a casserole dish of poultry or seafood and rice cooked in such a sauce.

CRESCENT ROLLS-Hard-crusted rolls shaped into crescents, often with seeds on top.

CRIPPLE-A misshapen, burnt, or otherwise undesirable baked item.

CROQUETTE-(French) A product made by incorporating a minced vegetable, fish, poultry, or meat into shaped balls or cones that are rolled in crumbs and fried.

CROUTONS-(French) Bread cut into small, cubed pieces and either fried or browned in the oven, depending upon the intended use. They are fried for use as a garnish or baked when used as an accompaniment for soup.


CRULLERS-Long, twisted, baking powder doughnuts.

CRUSTING-Formation of dry crust on surface of doughs due to evaporation of water from the surface.

CUBE-To cut any food into square-shaped pieces.

CURDLE-To change into curd; to coagulate or thicken.

CURRANT-The acid berry of several species of shrubs of the gooseberry family; used primarily for jelly and jam.

CURRY-A powder made from many spices and used as a seasoning for Indian and Oriental dishes (shrimp or chicken curry).

CUT IN-Baking term that means to combine solid shortening and flour with a pastry blender or knife.

DANISH PASTRY-A flaky yeast dough having butter or shortening rolled into it.

DASH-A scant one-eighth teaspoon.

DEMITASSE-A half cup. In this country, the term is applied to after-dinner coffee, which is usually served in half-size cups. Demitasse coffee is usually made stronger than that served with a meal.

DIASTASE-An enzyme possessing the power to convert starches into dextrose and maltose.

DICE-To cut into cubes of approximately one-fourth inch.

DISINFECTANT-A chemical agent that destroys bacterial and other harmful organisms.

DISSOLVE-To mix a solid dry substance with a liquid until solid is in solution.

DIVIDER-(Baking term) A machine used to cut dough into a desired size or weight.

DOCK-To punch a number of vertical impressions in a dough with a smooth round stick about the size of a pencil to allow for expansion and permit gas to escape during baking.

DOUGH-The thickened uncooked mass of combined ingredients or bread, rolls, and cookies, but usually applied to bread.

DRAWN BUTTER-(or Sauce) When salted butter is melted, the salt separates from the oil and settles. The oily portion is poured, or "drawn" off, hence, the name. Drawn butter may be used unthickened, seasoned with a little lemon or a dash of

Worcestershire sauce and a bit of chopped parsley, chives, or mint. Drawn butter sauce is a thickened sauce made from drawn butter and used with fish, shellfish, and green vegetables.

DREDGE-To coat food items with flour, sugar, or meal.

DRESS-As applied to food: to prepare for cooking or for the table, as to dress a chicken.

DRIPPINGS-Fat and juices dripped from roasted meat.

DRY YEAST-A dehydrated form of yeast.

DUCHESS-(or Duchesses) A name given to various mixtures to which beaten whole eggs (or whites only in some dessert items) are added. The mixture is shaped into balls and baked. A method used most often with mashed potatoes.

DUSTING-Alight film of flour or starch that is placed on pans or workbench to prevent dough from sticking.

ECLAIR-(French) A small filled pastry made from cream puff batter (or choux paste). The filling varies, but usually is vanilla cream filling or whipped cream injected from a special tube filler. The baked, filled shell is dusted with confectioners' sugar or covered with a thin layer of chocolate.

EMULSIFICATION-The process of blending together fat and water solutions to produce a stable mixture that will not separate on standing.

ENCHILADAS-(Mexican) A dish popular in many parts of the United States consisting of tortillas topped with a meat sauce and cheese.

ENRICHED BREAD-Bread made from enriched flour and containing federally prescribed amounts of thiamin, riboflavin, iron, and niacin.

ENTREE-4French) An intermediary course of a meal, which in the United States is the "main" course.

ENZYME -A substance produced by living organisms that has the power to bring about changes in organic materials.

EXTRACT-Essence of fruits or spices used for flavoring.

FERMENTATION-The chemical change of an organic compound due to action of living organisms (yeast or bacteria), usually producing a leavening gas.

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