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ABSORPTION-4Baking term) Refers to the property of flour to absorb and hold liquid. (Frying) Refers to fat absorption in food products as they are fried in deep fat.

ACIDITY-Sourness or tartness in a food product; a condition indicating excess fermentation in yeast dough; with soda, generates carbon dioxide for leavening in cakes.

AERATION-The treatment of dough or batter by charging with gas to produce a volume increase; to induce air so that amass becomes lighter or fluffier.

AEROBIC BACTERIA-Those that require the presence of free oxygen, such as found in the air, for growth.

AGING-A flavor-enhancing process usually applied to beef. The meat is hung in a temperaturecontrolled room for a specific period of time. During this time a chemical reaction occurs in the meat; it becomes more tender because of the partial "digestion" of the connective tissue in the meat. Aged flavor is noticeable after 21 days at chill temperatures.

A LA KING-Food served with a rich cream sauce usually containing green peppers and pimentos and sometimes mushrooms or onions.

ALA MODE-In a fashion or the style of; for example, desserts served with ice cream or pot roast of beef cooked with vegetables.

ALBUMEN-Egg white.

ALMOND PASTE-A confection ingredient made of finely ground almonds and sugar.

AMBROSIA-(Greek mythology) Descriptive term applying to any food or drink exquisitely gratifying in taste or scent; the name of a favorite southern dessert made of oranges, bananas, pineapple, and shredded coconut.

AMOEBA-One of the simplest forms of animal life; grows in water.

ANAEROBIC BACTERIA-Those that grow in an absence of free oxygen, deriving oxygen from solid or liquid materials and producing toxic substances.

ANGLAISE-(French) English, a la anglaise means "in English style," as consomme anglaise.

ANTIPASTI-(or Antipasto) (Italian) An appetizer, or a spicy first course consisting of relishes, cold sliced meats rolled with or without stuffings, fish, or other hors d'oeuvres eaten with a fork.

ANTISEPTIC-An agent that may or may not kill microorganisms, but does inhibit their growth. Peroxide is an example.

APPETIZER-A small portion of food or drink before, or as the first course of, a meal. These include a wide assortment of items ranging from cocktails, canapes, and hors d'oeuvres to plain fruit juices. The function of an appetizer is to pep up the appetite.

ASPIC-(French) A molded jelly made from different preparations. The base is gelatin which sets the mixture. Various liquids may be used, but tomato juice is most common. Recipes may require chopped vegetables, fish, poultry, or meats in aspic.

AU GRATIN-(French) Food creamed or moistened with eggs, milk, or stock, covered with bread crumbs and butter or cheese, and baked until the top is brown.

AU JUS-(French) With natural juice. Roast rib au jus, for example, is beef served with unthickened gravy.

AU NATUREL-(French) In a natural manner. A dish served in a simple style.

BACILLI-Cylindrical or rod-shaped bacteria responsible for such diseases as botulism, typhoid fever, and tuberculosis.

BACTERIA-Microscopic, one-celled organisms found in soil, water, and most material throughout nature. Some are responsible for disease and food spoilage, others are useful in industrial fermentation.

BACTERICIDE-Any substance that kills bacteria and related forms of life.

BAKE-To cook by dry heat in an oven either covered or uncovered. Usually called roasting when referring to meats.


BARBECUE-To roast slowly, basting with a highly seasoned sauce.

BASTE-To moisten foods while cooking, especially while roasting meat. Melted fat, meat drippings, stock, water and fat, or water may be used.

BATTER-A homogeneous mixture of ingredients with liquid to make a mass that is semiliquid.

BAVARIAN CABBAGE-(German) Sauteed cabbage with onions and vinegar.

BAVARIAN CREAM-(German) A variation of soft custard into which gelatin and whipped cream and sometimes egg whites and flavoring are folded.

BEAT-To blend and introduce air by using a rapid over-and-over or rotary motion.

BECHAMEL SAUCE-(French) A seasoned cream sauce with meat stock; egg yolks may be added for color and different consistency. Used for vegetables, meat, fish, and poultry.

BENCH TOLERANCE-(Baking term) The property of dough to ferment at a rate slow enough to prevent overfermentation while dough is being made up into units on the bench.

BISQUE-(French) A thick soup usually made with a white sauce base and containing fish, shellfish, chicken, or cooked meat. Ingredients are pureed. Also, a rich frozen dessert, often containing powdered nuts or macaroons.

BLANCH-1. To partially cook in hot, deep fat for a short time until clear but not brown. Used for potatoes. 2. To rinse with boiling water, drain, and rinse with cold water. Used for rice, macaroni, and other pastas to prevent sticking. 3. A method used to remove skins from almonds.

BLANCMANGE-(French) Literally, "white food." A pudding thickened with cornstarch only.

BLEEDING-Dough that has been cut and left unsealed at the cut, thus permitting the escape of leavening gas. Also applies to icing that bleeds. BLEND-To thoroughly mix two or more ingredients.

BOIL-To cook in a liquid that bubbles actively during the time of cooking. The boiling temperature at sea level is 212F.

BOTULINUS-A deadly bacterium that develops in canned foods that have been improperly canned.

BOUILLON-(French) A clear soup made from beef or chicken stock. May be used as a soup or gravy

base. Obtainable in cubes or powder for reconstituting.

BOWL KNIFE-A spatula or flexible dull-edge knife used to scrape batter or dough from bowl sides.

BRAISE-To brown meat or vegetables in a small amount of fat, then to cook slowly, covered, at simmering temperature (185F to 210F) in a small amount of liquid. The liquid may be juices from meat or added water, milk, or meat stock

BRAN-Skin or outer covering of the wheat kernel.

BREAD-To cover with crumbs or other suitable dry coating ingredient; or to dredge in a mixture of flour, seasonings, and/or condiments, dip in a mixture of milk and slightly beaten eggs and then dredge in bread crumbs.

BROIL-To cook under or over direct heat; to grill. No liquid is added. Oven-to cook in an oven, uncovered. Griddle-to cook uncovered on a hot griddle, removing grease as it accumulates.

BROWN-To seal juices inside a piece of food by searing its surfaces on a hot griddle or pan.

BRUNSWICK STEW-A main dish composed of a combination of poultry, meats, and vegetables.

BUTTERFLY-A method of cutting double chops (usually pork) from boneless loin strips. The double chops are joined by a thin layer of meat.

BUTTERHORNS-Basic sweet dough cut and shaped like horns.

BUTTERSCOTCH-A flavor produced by the use of butter and brown sugar.

BUTTER SPONGE-Cake made from sponge cake batter to which shortening has been added.

CACCIATORE-(Italian) Refers to a chicken cooked "hunter" style. Browned chicken is braised in a sauce made with tomatoes, other vegetables, stock and herbs.

CAMEBERT-Soft, full-flavored cheese.

CANAPE-(French) An appetizer eaten with the fingers, served either hot or cold. Small pieces of bread, toast, or crackers topped with a tasty spread.

CANDY-To cook in sugar or syrup.

CAPON-A young male bird that has been castrated at an early age, to improve the flavor, and fattened.

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