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Upon completing this chapter, you should be able to:

  • Explain the theory of operation of two types of power meters.
  • Describe the purpose of the controls and indicators found on power meters.
  • Describe the proper procedure for taking power measurements for incident and reflected energy.
  • Describe the uses and purposes of the controls and indicators found on the signal generator.
  • Explain the theory of operation of a typical frequency counter.
  • Describe the uses and purposes of the controls and indicators found on the frequency counter.
  • Explain the uses and purposes of the controls and indicators found on the Tracker 2000.
  • Describe the proper procedures for troubleshooting with a logic probe.
  • Describe the proper procedures for troubleshooting using the Tracker 2000.

In chapters 3 and 4, you studied the more common pieces of test equipment. As a technician, you will routinely use this test equipment to troubleshoot and perform maintenance on electronic equipment. However, the equipments you will study in this chapter may or may not be found in your shop. This is because these equipments have specific or specialized uses. Unless your rating is involved with the equipment with which they are used, you may not have reason to use them. They are presented here so that you will be familiar with their overall function should the need arise. The equipments you will study in this chapter are power meters, signal generators, frequency counters, and integrated circuit-testing devices.


As a technician, you will use a POWER METER to measure power. There are various types of power meters, some of which are called WATTMETERS. Figure 5-1 shows the AN/URM-120 wattmeter, which is one type of power meter commonly used in the Navy. This particular power meter measures power directly; that is, you connect it directly between the transmitter output (rf source) and the load, most likely an antenna.

Figure 5-1. - Wattmeter (AN/URM-120).

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Other types of power meters measure power indirectly; that is, they sample power in other ways - but not by being placed directly between the output of the transmitter and the load. Let's discuss the direct-measuring power meter first; then we'll talk about an indirect-measuring power meter.


The direct-measuring power meter is designed to measure incident (forward) and reflected (reverse) rf power from 50 to 1,000 watts at 2 MHz to 30 MHz and 10 to 500 watts at 30 MHz to 1,000 MHz. Three separate COUPLER-DETECTORS (sometimes called ATTENUATORS), each rated to cover a portion of the frequency and power ranges, are provided with the wattmeter. These devices couple the rf signal into the wattmeter and detect the signal. The coupler-detector knob projects through the top of the wattmeter case, as shown on the AN/URM-120 wattmeter in figure 5-1.

A nameplate on the top of the POWER RANGE knob indicates the power range. The POWER RANGE knob can be rotated 360 to the desired power range. The coupler-detector rotates 180 inside the metal case for either forward or reverse power measurements. Also located inside the metal case are the indicating meter and cable for interconnecting the meter to the coupler-detector. The LOCKING knob locks the coupler-detector and POWER RANGE knobs in place.

Two N-TYPE connectors (one male and one female) are located on either side of the wattmeter case to connect the instrument between the power source and the load. The upper and lower parts of the wattmeter are held together with quick-action fasteners, which permit easy access to the inside of the wattmeter.

Power measurements are made by inserting the proper coupler-detector and connecting the wattmeter in the transmission line between the load and the rf power source. To measure incident power with the wattmeter, rotate the arrow on the COUPLER-DETECTOR knob toward the load, and position the POWER RANGE knob for peak meter reading. To measure reflected power, position the arrow toward the rf power source.

In effect, rotating the coupler-detector causes the coupler to respond only to a wave traveling in a particular direction, either to (incident) or from (reflected) the load. It will be unaffected by a wave traveling in the opposite direction. A diode rectifier in the coupler rectifies the energy detected by the coupler. This detected rf energy is measured across a known impedance to obtain either incident or reflected power.

Operating the Wattmeter

Always de-energize and tag the rf power source before measuring incident power. Insert the proper coupler-detector for the rf power being measured into the wattmeter case. Remove the wire shunt (not shown in figure 5-1) from the meter terminals, then connect the wattmeter into the transmission line, either at the load or the rf source. Ensure that all connections are tight.

Position the POWER RANGE knob to a value higher than the rated power of the rf source.

If the rated power to be measured is not known, place the POWER RANGE knob in the highest power position before turning on the power source.

Rotate the coupler-detector so that the arrow indicating power flow points toward the load. Turn on the rf power source. Rotate the POWER RANGE knob to the proper range for measuring and observe the point at which the indicating meter peaks.

Q.1 To measure incident power, you must rotate the coupler-detector of the wattmeter so that the arrow indicating power flow points toward which end of the transmission line? answer.gif (214 bytes)

Reflected power is measured in the same manner as described for incident power, except that the coupler-detector is rotated so that the arrow points toward the rf source.

After completing power measurements, de-energize the rf source, disconnect the wattmeter from the transmission line, and place the wire shunt on the meter terminals.

Interpreting Power Measurements Made by the Wattmeter

The rf power measurements made by the wattmeter are used to determine the voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) of the load and the power absorbed by the load. (VSWR is covered in NEETS, Module 10, Introduction to Wave Propagation, Transmission Lines, and Antennas.) The VSWR can be determined from a chart provided in the wattmeter technical manual, or it can be calculated (as shown in the following example for a UHF transmitter) by the formula below (Pi is the incident power, and Pr is the reflected power as measured by the wattmeter):


Pi = 30 watts
Pr = 0.5 watts

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The example above results in a standing wave ratio expressed as 1.3 to 1. In a perfectly matched transmission line where there is no reflected power (Pr = 0), the standing wave ratio would be 1 to 1. A standing wave ratio of 1.5 to 1 indicates a 5-percent reflection of energy (loss) and is considered to be the maximum allowable loss. So, our example is within allowable limits.

If the standing wave ratio is greater than 1.5 to 1, then the transmission line efficiency has decreased and troubleshooting is necessary. An excellent discussion of the reasons for standing wave ratio increases is presented in EIMB, Test Methods and Practices, NAVSEA 0967-LP-000-0130.

You can determine the rf power absorbed by the load simply by subtracting the reflected power reading from the incident power reading made by the wattmeter (30 watts - 0.5 watts = 29.5 watts).

The power meter just discussed is often described as an IN-LINE POWER METER because readings are taken while the power meter is connected in series with the transmission line. Another type of power meter used by the Navy measures power indirectly. An example of an indirect-measuring power meter is described in the next section.


An example of an indirect-measuring power meter is the HP-431C, shown in figure 5-2. The controls, connectors, and indicators for the power meter are illustrated in figure 5-3. This power meter can be operated from either an ac or dc primary power source. The ac source can be either 115 or 230 volts at 50 to 400 hertz. The dc source is a 24-volt rechargeable battery. Overall circuit operation of the power meter is shown in the block diagram in figure 5-4.

Figure 5-2. - Power meter (HP-431C).

Figure 5-3. - Power meter controls, indicators, and connectors.

Figure 5-4. - Power meter block diagram.

The HP-431C power meter indirectly measures microwave frequency power by using two bridge circuits - the detection bridge and the compensation and metering bridge. The detection bridge incorporates a 10-kilohertz (kHz) oscillator in which the amplitude is determined by the amount of heating of the thermistors in that bridge caused by microwave power. (Thermistors were covered in chapter 2 of this module.) The compensation and metering bridge contains thermistors that are affected by the same microwave power heating as those of the detection bridge.

An unbalance in the metering bridge produces a 10-kHz error signal. This error signal, plus the 10-kHz bias that is taken directly from the 10-kHz OSCILLATOR-AMPLIFIER, is mixed in the SYNCHRONOUS DETECTOR. The synchronous detector produces a dc current (Idc) that is proportional to the 10-kHz error signal. The Idc error signal is fed back to the compensation and metering bridge, where it substitutes for the 10-kHz power in heating the thermistor and drives the bridge toward a state of balance. The dc output of the synchronous detector also operates the meter circuit for a visual indication of power.

Q.2 What condition produces the 10-kHz error signal generated by the metering bridge in the HP-431C power meter? answer.gif (214 bytes)

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