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The Echo Box The ECHO BOX is an important test instrument for indicating the overall radar system performance. The echo-box test results reflect the combined relative effectiveness of the transmitter as a transmitter of energy and the receiver as a receiver of energy. The echo box, or RESONANCE CHAMBER, basically consists of a resonant cavity, as shown in view A of figure 4-4. You adjust the resonant frequency of the cavity by varying the size of the cavity (the larger the cavity the lower the frequency). A calibrated tuning mechanism controls the position of a plunger and, therefore, the size of the cavity. The tuning mechanism is adjusted for maximum meter deflection, which indicates that the echo box is tuned to the precise transmitted frequency. The tuning mechanism also indicates on a dial (figure 4-5, view A) both the coarse transmitted frequency and a numerical reading. This reading permits the technician to determine the transmitted frequency with greater accuracy by referring to a calibration curve on a chart (figure 4-5, view B). Figure 4-4. - Echo box.
Figure 4-5. - Reading the echo box dial.
Energy is coupled into the cavity from the radar by means of an rf cable connected to the input loop. Energy is coupled out of the cavity to the rectifier and meter by means of the output loop. You can vary the amount of coupling between the echo box and the crystal rectifier by changing the position of the output loop. A schematic diagram of the output circuit is shown in figure 4-4, view B. The energy picked up by the loop is rectified, filtered, and applied to the meter. The method of connecting the echo box in a radar system is shown in figure 4-4, view C. RING TIME MEASUREMENTS Some of the energy generated by the radar transmitter is picked up by the echo box by means of the directional coupler. This energy causes oscillations (known as RINGING) within the echo box that persist for some time after the end of the radar pulse, much in the fashion of an echo that persists in a large room after a loud noise. As this echo dies down, a part of it is fed back into the radar receiving system, again by means of the directional coupler. The ringing causes a saturating signal to appear on the radar indicator (figure 4-6). The longer this ringing extends, the better the performance of the radar. Figure 4-6. - Ring time saturation of A-scope and ppi.
The length of time the echo box should ring under the particular conditions of the test is called the EXPECTED RING TIME. You may determine whether or not the radar is performing well by comparing the expected ring time with the ring time observed. The ring time to be expected on a good radar depends on the particular type of radar being tested; on the way the echo box is installed - that is, whether a directional coupler or a pickup dipole is used; on the length and type of cable used; on the individual ringing ability of the particular echo box in use; on the frequency of the radar; and on the temperature of the echo box at the time of the test. Corrections are made for all of these factors according to the procedure given in the technical manual for the echo box being used. You may use an echo box without correction to detect a change in the performance of a radar. You simply log and compare the ring time from day to day. You should recognize that these readings do not permit the comparison of a particular radar with a standard of performance; however, you can use the readings to tell whether or not its performance is deteriorating. Because ring time measurements are the most valuable single feature of the echo box, they must be measured properly. Ring time measurements are made on the A-scope or on the ppi. In measuring the ring time, you should make sure the echo-box ringing (not some fixed-target echo or block of echoes) is being monitored. You can determine this condition by adjusting the radar gain control and noting if the ring time varies on the scope. The echo box ringing will change in duration; fixed target echoes, however, will not change duration. To obtain the best results, you should repeat every ring time measurement at least four times; then average the readings. You should take special care to ensure that all readings are accurate. If two or more technicians use the same echo box, they should practice together until their ring time measurements agree. Because high peak power and radio frequencies are produced by radar transmitters, special procedures are used to measure output power. High peak power is needed in some radar transmitters to produce strong echos at long ranges. Low average power is also desirable because it enables transmitter components to be compact, more reliable, and to remain cooler during operation. Because of these considerations, the lowest possible duty cycle (pw x prf) must be used for best operation. The relationships of peak power, average power, and duty cycle were described in chapter 1. Peak power in a radar is primarily a design consideration. It depends on the interrelationships between average power, pulse width, and pulse-repetition time. You take power measurements from a radar transmitter by sampling the output power. In one sampling method, you use a pickup horn in front of the antenna. Air losses and weather conditions make the horn placement extremely critical and also affect the accuracy of the sample. A more accurate and convenient method can be used. In this method, you sample the output power through a directional sampling coupler located at the point in the transmitter where a power reading is desired. Power-amplifier transmitters usually have sampling couplers after each stage of amplification. Some radar sets have built-in power-measuring equipment; others require the use of general purpose test equipment or a special test set. In any case, the measuring instruments are most often referenced to 1 milliwatt; readings are taken in dBm (a discussion of the decibel measurement system was presented in NEETS, Module 11, Microwave Principles). When taking power measurements, you must allow for power losses. You must add the directional coupler attenuation factor and the loss in the connecting cable to the power meter reading. The sum is the total power reading. For example, the directional coupler has an attenuation factor of 20 dB, the connecting cable has a loss rating of 8 dB, and the reading obtained on the power meter is 21 dBm. Therefore, the transmitter has an output power that is 49 dBm (21 + 20 + 8). Power readings in dBm obtained by the above procedure are normally converted to watts to provide useful information. Although the conversion can be accomplished mathematically, the procedure is relatively complex and is seldom necessary. Most radar systems have a conversion chart, such as the one shown in figure 4-7, attached to the transmitter or the test equipment. As you can see on the chart, 49 dBm is easily converted to 80 watts average power. Figure 4-7. - Conversion of power in dBm to watts (average).
You can convert average power to peak power by dividing average power by the duty cycle of the radar. If the radar in the above example has a duty cycle of 0.001, then the peak power can be calculated with the following formula:
Many radar systems have charts available to convert average power to peak power. Q.5 The peak power of a radar depends on the interrelationship of what other factors? |
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