frequency, the presence of defective transmission-line sections, and the condition of the antenna. Standing waves present on transmission lines and waveguides indicate an impedance mismatch between a transmitter or receiver and its antenna. When this condition occurs, the transfer of energy between these units becomes inefficient.">

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(You may want to refer to NEETS, Module 10, Introduction to Wave Propagation, Transmission Lines, and Antennas for a review of standing waves before going further.) Measurements of standing waves can indicate the approximate operating frequency, the presence of defective transmission-line sections, and the condition of the antenna. Standing waves present on transmission lines and waveguides indicate an impedance mismatch between a transmitter or receiver and its antenna. When this condition occurs, the transfer of energy between these units becomes inefficient. Reflection of energy at the load end of a transmission line results in a wave that travels toward the generator end. This reflected wave varies continuously in phase in much the same way that the incident wave varies in phase. At certain points, a half wavelength apart, the two waves are exactly in phase; the resultant voltage is at maximum. At points a quarter wavelength from the maximums, the two waves are in opposition and voltage nodes (null points) are produced. The ratio of maximum-to-minimum voltage at such points is called the VOLTAGE STANDING WAVE RATIO (vswr). The ratio of maximum-to-minimum current along a transmission line is the same as the vswr. A high vswr (1.5 to 1 or higher) indicates that the characteristic impedance of a transmission line differs greatly from the terminating impedance; a low vswr (1 to 1 is best) indicates a good impedance match between the transmission line characteristic impedance and the terminating impedance.

For radar applications, a low vswr is desired for the following reasons: (1) Reflections in the transmission line cause improper transmitter operation and can result in faulty pulsing (this effect is most pronounced when the line is long, as compared with a wavelength of the transmitted energy); (2) arc-over may occur at the maximum voltage points; and (3) hot spots can occur in the transmission line and cause mechanical breakdown. Since transmission lines for radar equipment are normally coaxial cables or waveguides, slotted lines or directional couplers must be used for standing-wave measurements.

Q.10 Receiver bandwidth is defined as those frequencies spread between what two points of the receiver response curve? wpe1.jpg (945 bytes)
Q.11 The end of the usefulness of a tr tube is indicated by an increase in what quantity? wpe1.jpg (945 bytes)


When you think of radar equipment with its complex electronic circuitry and other sophisticated equipment, you may forget that the entire radar relies on other systems. These other systems are referred to as SUPPORT SYSTEMS and are not normally thought of as part of the radar. These support systems include ELECTRICAL POWER, DRY-AIR, and LIQUID-COOLING SYSTEMS. Without these support systems, radars could not function. Therefore, you must be aware of these support systems and understand their relationship to your radar equipment.


Let us now look at a typical ship's power distribution system. The power system on your ship or aircraft is probably similar in many ways. We will briefly discuss an overall power distribution system and the areas that are closely related to radar equipment.

Power Distribution System

Most ac power distribution systems in naval vessels are 440-volt, 60-hertz, 3-phase, 3-wire, ungrounded systems. The ac power distribution system consists of the power source, equipment to distribute the power, and the equipment which uses the power. A partial distribution chart is shown in figure 4-11.

Figure 4-11. - 60 Hz distribution.

The power source can be the ship service turbine generator or the emergency diesel generator. Power is normally distributed through the ship service distribution switchboards and power panels. Some large ships also use load centers (not shown) that function as remote switchboards.

Power is used by any equipment that requires electrical power for its operation (lights, motors, director power drives, radar equipment, weapon direction equipment, computers, etc.). The maintenance of the ship service generators, the emergency generators, and distribution switchboards is the responsibility of the ship's engineers (machinist's mates, electrician's mates, enginemen, etc.).

Emergency Power

If power from the ship service distribution system is interrupted, the emergency power distribution system is activated. The emergency system supplies an immediate and automatic source of electrical power to selected loads that are vital to the safety and defense of the ship. This system includes one or more emergency diesel generators and switchboards. The emergency generator is started automatically when a sensor detects the loss of normal power.

Bus Transfer Equipment

Bus transfer equipment is installed on switchboards, at load centers, on power panels, and on loads that are fed by both normal and alternate and/or emergency feeders (figure 4-11). Either the normal or alternate source of the ship's service power can be selected. Emergency power from the emergency distribution system can be used if an emergency feeder is also provided.

Automatic bus transfer (ABT) equipment is used to provide power to vital loads, while nonvital loads can be fed through manual bus transfer (MBT) equipment. For example, the interior communications (IC) switchboard is fed through an ABT in which the alternate input is from the emergency switchboard. A search radar might be fed through an MBT.

Miscellaneous Power

Many other supply voltages are used in radar systems and subsystems. They are usually used as reference voltages for specific functions. When you are missing a power input to your equipment, work backwards from the load to the source. Usually, the power panels and bus transfer units that feed the equipment are located nearby, possibly in the same space or in a passageway.

Keep in mind that technicians have corrected many suspected casualties merely by restoring a minor power input or signal reference, sometimes after hours of troubleshooting.

Q.12 Most shipboard distribution systems use ac power that has what number of phases? wpe1.jpg (945 bytes)
Q.13 How is emergency power applied when normal power is lost? wpe1.jpg (945 bytes)
Q.14 What device is used to switch power from the normal source to an alternate source for nonvital users? wpe1.jpg (945 bytes)
Q.15 What procedure should you use when a power input to your equipment is missing? wpe1.jpg (945 bytes)

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