Fiber optic data links History of fiber optic technology Fiber optic systems Advantages and disadvantages of fiber optics Summary Answers
Propagation of light Properties of light Reflection of light Refraction of light Diffusion of light Absorption of light Basic optical-material properties Basic structure of an optical fiber Propagation of light along a fiber Mode Theory Optical fiber types Multimode Fibers Properties of optical transmission Attenuation Dispersion Summary Answers
Multimode step-index fiber Multimode graded-index fiber Single mode step-index fibers Single mode graded-index fibers Fabrication of optical fibers Optic cables Cable strength and support members Cable designs Summary Answers
Optical fiber coupling loss Reflection losses Fiber end preparation Fiber mismatches Fiber optic splices Mechanical splices Fusion splicing Multifiber splicing Fiber optic connectors Military connectors Fiber optic couplers Summary Answers
Laboratory measurements Cutoff Wavelength Bandwidth Chromatic Dispersion Fiber Geometry Core Diameter Numerical Aperture Return Loss and Reflectance Field measurements Optical Time-Domain Reflectometry Power Meter Summary Answers
Optical source properties Semiconductor light-emitting diodes and laser diodes Semiconductor material and device operating principles Light-emitting diodes Laser diodes Superluminescent diodes Fiber optic transmitters Fiber optic transmitter packages Summary Answers
Optical detectors Semiconductor material and device properties Response Time Avalanche photodiodes Fiber optic receivers Receiver noise Receiver design Fiber optic receiver packages Summary Answers
Link classification Digital transmission Analog transmission System design System installation Summary Answers
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