electron tube requires filament or heater voltage, whereas the semiconductor device does not; consequently, no power input is spent by the semiconductor for conduction. A5. Anything that occupies space and has weight. Solid, liquid, and gas. A6. The atom. ">

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A1. An electronic device that operates by virtue of the movement of electrons within a solid piece of semiconductor material.
A2. It is the decrease in a semiconductor's resistance as temperature rises.
A3. Space systems, computers, and data processing equipment.
A4. The electron tube requires filament or heater voltage, whereas the semiconductor device does not; consequently, no power input is spent by the semiconductor for conduction.
A5. Anything that occupies space and has weight. Solid, liquid, and gas.
A6. The atom.
A7. Electrons-negative, protons-positive, and neutrons-neutral.
A8. The valence shell.
A9. Quanta.
A10. A negatively charged atom having more than its normal amount of electrons.
A11. The energy levels of an atom in a solid group together to form energy bands, whereas the isolated atom does not.
A12. The width of the forbidden band.
A13. The number of electrons in the valence shell.
A14. Covalent bonding.
A15. Electron flow and hole flow.
A16. Intrinsic.
A17. P-type crystal.
A18. Electrons.
A19. To convert alternating current into direct current.

A20. Toward the arrow.
A21. Point-contact.
A22. Holes.
A23. N-type material.
A24. Depletion region.
A25. Negative.
A26. Forward.
A27. Any device that draws current.
A28. A pulsating dc voltage.
A29. Metallic rectifier.
A30. Forward bias.
A31. A characteristic curve.
A32. They are the limiting values of operating conditions outside which operations could cause diode damage.
A33. A semiconductor.
A34. 1N368.
A35. Heat.
A36. The diode is open or has a high-forward resistance.

Western Governors University

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