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There are different computerized systems being used at sea and on shore-based activities. The Shipboard Uniform Automated Data Processing System, known commonly as SUADPS, is the supply-computerized system that is used at sea. SUADPS is broken down into two subsystems: the Shipboard Nontactical Automated Data Processing Program I, or SNAP I, which is used on aircraft carriers, and the Shipboard Nontactical Automated Data Processing Program II, or SNAP II, which is used on smaller ships. The Uniform Automated Processing System, or UADPS, is the computerized-supply system being used on shore-based activities.


There are a number of requisition forms for ordering supplies and services. The form that you should use to requisition materials depends on the supply source, and it also depends on whether your local supply system is manual or automated.

For your requisition to be processed, it must submitted on the correct form. The following requisition forms are the ones used most in the supply system:

1. DoD Single-Line Item Requisition System Document (Manual), DD Form 1348 (6-PT). This form is used in manual supply systems for purchasing standard-stock items fig 5-8

2. Single-Line Item Consumption/Requisition Document (Manual), DD Form 1250-1 (7-PT). This form is used in manual supply systems for purchasing standard-stock item fig 5-9

3. NON-USN Requisition (4491), DD Form 1250-2 (7-PT). This form is used in computerizedsupply systems for purchasing open-purchase items fig 5-10

4. Requisition and Invoice/Shipping Document, DD Form 1149 (Multiple Requests). This form is used as a shipping and invoice document and is included with the material being shipped. After the material is received, the original copy must be signed and returned to the sender (fig 5-11).

When filling out the mechanical forms, use a typewriter or ball-point pen. Do not use a pencil because pencil marks smudge and cause errors during the requisition processing. When you are preparing requisitions, it is not necessary to space the entries within the "tic" marks printed on the forms, but you must get each entry inside the proper data blocks. The communication zero (0) is used on MILSTRIP requisitions to eliminate confusion between the numeric zero and an alphabetic "0".

Figure 5-8.-DD Form 1348 (6-PT).

Figure 5-9.-DD Form 1250-1 (7-PT).

Under certain circumstances, requisitions may be submitted by message or letter. Normally, requisitions are submitted on one of the forms listed previously.

To prepare and use requisition forms, you must become familiar with certain terms. You must also become familiar with the use of the forms in the Military Standard Requisitioning and Issue Procedures (MILSTRIP) and the Uniform Material Movement and Issue Priority System (UMMIPS).


The MILSTRIP system provides a "common language" for requesting and supplying material within and among the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and the General Services Administration (GSA). It also explains the requisition documents that can be processed by electronic-processing equipment and contains all the information necessary to issue, ship, and account for the material requested.

Some of the terms in the "common language" of MILSTRIP are as follows:

BACK ORDER. A requisition that cannot be filled by the supply activity from current stock and is being held until additional stock is received. When the stock is received, the issue will be made.

Figure 5-10.-DD Form 1250-2 (7-PT).

Figure 5-11_-DD Form 1149.

MATERIAL OBLIGATION VALIDATION (MOV) REQUEST. The MOV request is from the supply source to a requisitioner. It is to confirm that the requisitions held on back order by the supply source are comparable with those carried as outstanding by the requisitioner. It is extremely important to respond to an MOV request. If an MOV request is neglected, the items listed are to be canceled.

MATERIAL OBLIGATION VALIDATION (MOV) RESPONSE. The MOV response is a reply by the requisitioner to an MOV request from the supply source. It advises the supplier to hold a back order until supplied, cancel a back order, or reduce the item quantity listed.

CANCELLATION. A total or partial discontinuance of supply action requested by the requisitioner and confirmed by the supplier.

CHARGEABLE ACTIVITY. The activity that is charged for the cost of operation regardless of the funds used.

EXCEPTION STATUS. This is a supply action, other than issue of material, in the quantity requested. FOLLOW-UP. An inquiry by the requisitioner to the last known holder of a requisition as to the action taken on that requisition.

FOLLOW-UP REPLY. Current status by the holder of the requisition. This is in response to a follow-up.

FORCE/ACTIVITY DESIGNATOR (F/AS). A Roman numeral designator established by each military service (or the Joint Chiefs of Staff) that relates to the military mission of the force or activity.

STANDARD DELIVERY DATE (SDD). The standard delivery date is based on the priority designator of the requisition. It is the latest date that the supply system is expected to make delivery of the material to the requisitioner.

REQUISITIONER. The requisitioner can be any Navy activity, afloat or ashore, with a unit identification code (UIC) assigned by the NAVCOMPT Manual, Volume 2, Chapter 5, "Requisitioning Material from a Supply Source."

SHIPMENT STATUS. The shipment status pertains to positive advice of shipment and indicator of shipment, date and mode of shipment, and transportation control number or bill of lading number, when applicable.

STATUS CODES. Status codes are used by supply sources to furnish information on the status of requisitions to the requisitioner or consignee.

100-PERCENT SUPPLY STATUS. One-hundred-percent supply status relates to any positive or negative supply distribution decision or action at any level; that is, any action taken by the supplier including issue of material in the exact quantity requested.

You can see there is an extensive use of codes in MILSTRIP requisitionin fig. 5-8 . This is necessary because only 80 alphabetic or numeric characters (letters and numbers) can be placed on the card (this does not include the activity names shown in data blocks A and B). It is essential for you to select the correct code that conveys the proper information to the supplier. The correct codes are just as important on a requisition as the correct NSN.

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