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PRINTED MATERIALS AND PUBLICATIONS Your CRP will use printed materials to send out information concerning religious programs within the command. Your RMF can either procure this material or prepare it locally. Types A few types of printed media that you can use to distribute information about the RMF's CRP to military persons and their families are presented in figure 2-19. The primary target group for each medium is also indicated. In the following paragraphs, let's take a look at some of these media. Worship Bulletins Bulletins are printed outlines of worship containing devotional and religious rites, funerals and memorials, seasonal observances, holy days, or announcements. Worship bulletins regularly provide assembled congregations with an order of worship. Worship bulletins fulfill a variety of purposes. In fact, worship bulletins are an appropriate medium for almost all types of religious events. SAMPLES.- You can find samples of prepared bulletin covers in the most current edition of NAVSUP Pub 2002, Section II - Forms. You can order these samples by filling out a DD Form 1348. For Marine Corps activities, you can order sample bulletins through the unit/activity supply office. Worship bulletins appropriate for specific faith groups, or certain events, may be obtained through a variety of religious goods stores. FORMATS.- A photoready copy of a standard worship bulletin is 8 1/2 inches-from top to bottom-by 11 inches-from side to side, or 8 1/2 inches by 14 inches. The form may be divided in half. In this case, one page of the bulletin will be on one half and the concluding portion will be on the other half. Another option is a three-column bulletin that can be trifolded. Figure 2-20 illustrates a typical bulletin for a Protestant service showing a variety of application options. Note the use of graphic lines, shadow, bold, and different font sizes. PRODUCTION.- Using a word processing application program will allow you to use your imagination to produce clear, imaginative, innovative, and attractive bulletins. In addition to graphic lines,
Figure 2-18A.-Sample news release format (first page). 2-28
Figure 2-18B.-Sample news release format (second and subsequent pages). 2-29
Figure 2-19.-Media available to the command religious program.
shadow, bold, and different font sizing, using a software computer application system can give you the option of automatic centering, shading, boxed-in text, underlining, and graphics. You can set up your bulletins by using columns and tables, such as newspaper columns, parallel columns, landscape style, or portrait style, whichever style or technique works best for you. Normally, the process is fairly simple. You just define the paper size and the orientation (landscape or portait), set the margins (usually 0.25 inch for top, bottom, and each side), set the text to right justify or flush right (for the order of services), and define the number of columns and the space needed between columns. You should now be ready to type your text. Figure 2-21 illustrates the preparation of a worship bulletin using a word processing program system. Needless to say, use of the computer eliminates guesswork It is no longer necessary to spend hours blocking, figuring justification, figuring vertical or horizontal centering or complicated margin settings... the program will automatically do it for you. |