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In your duties and responsibilities for religious program support, you must be aware of your RMF's requirements in regard to worship models. A worship model is a representation of reality. Worship models are streamlined images of the worship system or systems used in your RMF. The model is defined by the chaplain, chaplains, or clergy, and detailed by the RP. The basic reason for building a worship model is to define structure, function, or scope.

The particular form of a worship model depends on the use it is to serve. The model maybe a photograph, a physical scale model, or a blueprint. Flowcharts and graphs are usually incorporated into models. A model is built for the simple reason that it is easier to study and manipulate than the system that it represents. A model is also a means of turning over information that is easily understood to new persons coming onboard.

When making models of the worship system, follow these basic styles:

l The whole problem approach in which your goal is to improve total efficiency

l The use of teams that will incorporate a variety of opinions

. The varying solution technique that is anything goes in the model as long as it leads to a better, more sophisticated one

Following these styles in developing your worship models will involve your use of certain phases such as (1) drafting the model; (2) constructing the model; (3) testing the model; (4) executing the model; (5) controlling the model and its solution; and (6) realizing the results. These phases make up a united whole, where each phase adjusts every other phase.

Worship models do not merely describe a fixed worship system but rather permit a determination of how one or more phases of the worship system may be changed to accomplish some well-defined objective better. The advantage of using the worship model rather than the system itself is obvious, particularly where manipulation of the system is impossible or where manipulation is possible but excessively costly or risky.


Religious publications can be in the form of published literature and periodicals as well as news items about the religious activities of military chaplains and other service members.

Religious publications are interested in news items concerning shipboard religious activities and the religious ministries provided by Navy chaplains to Navy Seabee and Marine Corps units in the field. You should try to provide the Office of the Chief of Chaplains with any pictures, news items, and articles pertaining to religious ministry in the sea services. The Office of the Chief of Chaplains serves as the Navy's liaison with American churches and the church press that have a continuing need for items of interest to the general public.


The term religious tracts may be used to encompass a significant variety of devotional, inspirational, informative, or religious literature. Tracts are selected by Navy chaplains and are made available to the public through the use of literature racks and displays positioned in locations reaching a multiplicity of persons. The command chaplain approves and specifies the sources from which tracts for the CRP should be obtained.


As an RP, the role you will play will involve many values. One of the chief values a good RP must possess is fidelity. Fidelity is the quality of being loyal; that is, to back your chaplain's aspirations, goals, duties, and the person to the best of your capability.

It is important for you to remember that in backing your chaplain, you are limited to performing religious program tasks that do not require ordination or licensing. Even though you are required to support chaplains and persons of all faith groups, you will not be required to conduct worship services, act as a lay reader, administer sacraments and ordinances, or function as a pastoral counselor.

Figure 2-21.-Preparation of a worship bulletin.

Western Governors University

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