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The preceding pages have been devoted to explaining the principles of displaying and what good displays should do. Now that you under-stand that merchandise must be treated in certain ways for maximum effectiveness we must consider the means and devices necessary to get the desired results. Many factors have to be considered in the operation of a successful and attractive retail store. The location, layout, and condition of equipment are the three elements involved.

The most desirable location is an area adjacent to a mess, recreational area, or other high traffic spot. Space in front should be adequate to permit free flow of traffic without disturbing shoppers.

Layout of equipment both inside and outside the store should be planned to afford both the customer and the operator as much convenience as possible. In this respect, the location, the selling area, and the arrangement of shelving for fast-selling merchandise must be considered.

Equipment Condition
Equipment, whether new or old, should always be kept in good working order. Special attention should be given to maintenance of locks, door tracks, shelf channels, and so forth. Replacement or repairs should be made without delay when necessary.

The basic fixture requirements for the ship's store are quite limited. The size of the store front, space between shelves, and the nature of the items displayed must be considered before display fixtures are selected for use in any store. Fixtures considered basic for most stores are shown in the Ship's Stores Afloat Visual Merchandising Guide. Purchase orders for display aids listed should be forwarded on a DD Form 1155 to NAVRESSO, at which time prices will be negotiated with the vendors by NAVRESSO. Fixtures should be treated with care. Dust and polish them before each use. When not in use, store them in a safe place where they will be protected from damage or breakage. Fixtures that have been damaged or broken should not be used, since they detract from the appearance of clean new merchandise. Head or shirt forms and other display futures made of papier-mache and coated with plaster can be easily repaired with patching plaster or spackle. Glass, plastic, lucite, and metal fixtures should be spotless when being used. Discard those broken beyond repair.

Signs are the silent voice of the store operator. They tell the customer where the store is, what is or will be on sale, what the items are, and their price. Any other information, descriptive or explanatory, that will help the customer to shop more easily and quickly should also be included.

Decorations should be used in the ship's store displays to arouse customer interest and add to the appearance of the merchandise on display. Decorations will also alert your customers to approaching events or seasons and remind them to purchase their needs in advance. The previously mentioned Visual Merchandising Guide includes information on procurement of an all-season display kit.

The retail store should be decorated for all major events and seasonal changes. When displays are installed for seasonal events, the decorations should be changed too. No displays should be left in cases for more than 1 month without being refreshed or changed. Clean, fresh, and colorful displays should be evident at all times. Care must be taken when employing decorative materials to avoid overshadowing or overcrowding merchan-dise. The use of too much decor can detract from the appearance of the display and cause confusion. Remember, it is always better to keep displays simple, neat, and lightly decorated. They are more pleasing to the eye and more likely to interest the customer. If it creates interest, shows merchandise at its best, and holds attention, it is a good display.

Western Governors University

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