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As the retail store operator, you will not be concerned with establishing selling prices because this is done in the ship's store office and is the responsibility of the ship's store officer. It is your responsibility, however, to make sure all items are clearly and conspicuously marked, and you should be aware of how prices are determined.

The ship's store officer is responsible for the markup over cost or transfer price of items to be sold in resale activities (excluding standard Navy clothing). The Resale Operations Management (ROM) system automatically computes a 15 percent markup on all retail items. The ship's store officer, if desired, may override the ROM system markup by keying in the desired selling price on the Stock Record, NAVSUP Form 464, and the Purchase Order, DD Form 1155. Markups should be sufficient to provide for the following:
Cover markdowns and surveys
Cover other operating expenses
Meet the requirement of the commanding officer for the recreation fund
Cover the cost of operations of the sales outlets and service activities

The maximum prescribed overall profit limitation is 15 percent. This limitation applies to a percentage of overall sales and not to individual items. Special order items will be marked up as determined by the ship's store officer.

Standard Navy clothing standard prices, as shown in items are sold at the Navy Clothing Price List for Men and Women, NAVRESSO Pub 90. ROM users will assign department code L-1 to the stock records for all standard Navy clothing items. The ROM system will not compute the 15 percent markup for items assigned department code L-1. Price changes to standard Navy clothing items are issued in changes to NAVRESSO Pub 90. Standard price changes are effective on the date specified in the change. An inventory will be taken of those items actually affected by a standard price change and any gain or loss as a result of the adjustment will be accounted for on a Retail Price Change, NAVSUP Form 983.

A mark-on is an increase in a previously established retail price of an item of merchandise. Mark-ons are done only on the authority of a Retail Price Change, NAVSUP Form 983, approved by the ship's store officer. Before prices can be changed in the sales outlet, the merchandise must be inventoried in the presence of the sales outlet operator by the ship's store officer or designated assistant. After inventory of the merchandise concerned, the sales outlet operator will record the date the prices are changed on the NAVSUP Form 983 and sign it. The NAVSUP Form 983 will then be routed to the ship's store office for posting to the records. Request a copy of the NAVSUP Form 983 from the ship's store office for your files because it is not stated in instructions to give you a copy. As the sales outlet operator you should maintain a file of all documents when a transaction occurs in your sales outlet. These copies can be used as a ready reference and they are your proof that a transaction occurred. Procedures for preparing a mark-on are discussed in the NAVSUP P-487, par. 2106.

Western Governors University

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