Naval Supply Systems Command. NAVRESSO provides technical guidance and administrative assistance to ship's stores afloat."> Navy Resale and Services Support Office

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The Navy Resale and Services Support Office (NAVRESSO) is responsible for administering the Navy Resale Program. NAVRESSO is located in Fort Wadsworth, Staten Island, New York, and is under the command and the authority of the Commander, Naval Supply Systems Command. NAVRESSO provides technical guidance and administrative assistance to ship's stores afloat. It conducts research, develops new ideas, and advises sea and shore activities on possible improvements that have been developed. It issues the lists of items authorized for sale in the resale program, enters into agreements with commercial suppliers as to the quality and price of merchandise, and issues or causes to be issued the Ship's Store Contract Bulletins, Ship's Store Afloat Catalog, NAVRESSO Price Agreement Bulletins, and other publications concerned with the displaying and selling of merchandise.

NAVRESSO manages the fleet assistance teams. These teams, located in the major port areas, are made up of master chiefs, senior chiefs, or chief petty officers. NAVRESSO established these teams to provide technical assistance and guidance in all areas of the ship's store operation to shipboard personnel. Ships can get assistance by calling the fleet assistance team, by submitting a letter to the proper fleet assistance team, with a copy to the Fleet Assistance Team Branch (NAVRESSO), or by naval message in urgent cases. Depending on the size of the ship, visits normally last from 2 to 5 days with no formal report made upon completion. Ships preparing to deploy should schedule a visit 120 days in advance of the scheduled departure date. During the actual predeployment visit, the fleet assistance team provides information on the Consolidated Afloat Requisi-tioning Guide Overseas (CARGO) (NAVSUP Pub 4998), Q-cognizance items, foreign merchandise, vendor control, and endurance loading. This information is beneficial to the ship preparing for deployment. The fleet assistance teams may also be helpful before overhaul. Ships scheduled to go to over-haul should schedule an assistance team visit 18 months before the overhaul date. This time is required to permit timely submission of work requests for repair or replacement of equipment.

In addition, the fleet assistance team provides the following services in the operation of the sales outlets:
. Modernization planning
. Merchandise promotion assistance, including layout, display, and signing
. Merchandise planning, including stock control review, model stock plans, and disposition of excess stock
. Pricing procedures
. Accounting records, returns, and bill payment
. Internal operating procedures
. Internal controls, including cash handling, security, and receipt and inspection procedures
. Procurement assistance including purchas-ing procedures, contract administration pro-cedures, vendor relations, merchandise quality assurance, and processing of the special DD Form 1155 for merchandise ordered under simplified purchase procedures
. Training
. Periodic review of ship's store operations
The aid provided by the fleet assistance teams is not limited to just the sales outlets. They also provide help in the service activities including the following:

Job instruction and training programs
Work scheduling and control
Equipment maintenance (minor repairs)
Safety and sanitation

There are two fleet accounting and disbursing centers (FAADCs) to service the fleet. They are the Fleet Accounting and Disbursing Center Atlantic (FAADCLANT) located in Norfolk, Virginia, and the Fleet Accounting and Disbursing Center Pacific (FAADCPAC) located in San Diego, California. The FAADCs perform such functions as auditing ship's store returns, paying dealer's bills, reconciling cash reported in returns, maintaining files, and reconciling differences with documents covering receipts from purchase and receipts from other supply officers.

The commander in chief of the fleet is responsible for issuing logistics policies, plans, and orders for support of the fleet and shore activities under the commander's control. The fleet supply officer assists the fleet commander in carrying out these responsibilities. The fleet supply officer is a professional advisor to the commander con-cerning supply and transportation matters.

Ships of the fleet are grouped by ship types and are assigned to type commanders (TYCOMs) for administrative purposes. TYCOMs are responsible for implementing the logistics policies, plans, and orders of the fleet commander for their particular group of ships. The Supply Corps officers on the staff with the TYCOM provide aid and advice concerning supply matters. They also conduct inspections of supply functions, if required, and supervise replenishment of supplies from mobile supply units under the operational control of the TYCOM.

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