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Cash Receipt Book

The Cash Receipt Book, NAVSUP Form 470, has already been mentioned often in this chapter. The NAVSUP Form 470 shows receipt for all cash and overring or refund vouchers, if any, turned in to the ship's store officer or cash collection agent. This cash receipt book is kept in the custody of each sales outlet operator. The designated cash collection agent, when making the daily collections from the sales outlets, must receipt for all cash in the cash receipt book. (See fig. 2-9.) When the cash collection agent is making collections, the ship's store officer will review the cash receipt book daily, or at least twice a week, and will initial entries. In addition, the ship's store officer will compare the amounts entered on the ROM with the amounts entered in the NAVSUP Form 470 once a week. Spaces are provided in the cash receipt book for the date; the amount of cash turned in (which is written out in words and also entered in figures); and the signature of the person collecting, as well as that of the sales outlet operator. Whenever an error is made, draw a line through the entire line and write the correct information in the following space. Line-outs must be initialed by the sales outlet operator and the person making collections. No alterations are allowed. Whenever the store is closed for 72 hours or more, record it in the cash receipt book. Record

Figure 2-9.- Cash Receipt Book, NAVSUP Form 470.

Overring/ Refund Vouchers, NAVSUP Form 972, as a separate entry in words only, with the notation Overring or Refund, as applicable, in the Figures column and with the date and signature included. The amount of the overring or refund voucher will not be added to the total collection figure for the month. At the end of the month, the sales outlet operator will total the amounts on the NAVSUP Form 470. The total figure must match with the total figure reported on the Cash Register Record, NAVSUP Form 469, and the total cash collections entered in the ROM for that sales outlet.

Western Governors University

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