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Cash Register Record
A Cash Register Record, NAVSUP Form 469, is retained in the custody of the person making the collection as evidence of cash collected from sales. Cash including any overring or refund vouchers collected from sales is recorded in this record at the end of each business day. The over-ring or refund voucher is recorded on a separate line of the NAVSUP Form 469 and the voucher itself is attached to the applicable page. The NAV-SUP Form 469 will show when the sales outlet is closed for 72 hours or more. It is not required to start a new cash register record when changing cash collection agents, ship's store officers, or dis-bursing officers. ROM users will enter amounts collected from each sales outlet daily in the ROM system or as soon as practical. The ship's store officer will compare amounts entered in the ROM with the amounts entered in the NAVSUP Form 469 once a week. As the sales outlet operator, you will sign for all cash collected from sales in the cash register record and should be familiar with what is entered in this record. (See fig. 2-10.) The

Figure 2-10.- Cash Register Record, NAVSUP Form 469.

NAVSUP Form 469 provides a record for the following:

. The date that cash was collected.
. The cash register reading at the close of business on the day the cash is collected.
. The actual cash in the cash register.
. The amount over or under according to the difference between the cash in the register and the cash sales registered for the collection period. (Overrings and/ or refunds will be included in the amount over or under.)
. The amount of cash left in the cash register overnight for change for the following day.
. The amount of cash collected, both in figures and in words.
. The amount of overring or refund vouchers, if any.
. The signature of both the sales outlet operator and the person making the collection.
Any overages or shortages over 5 dollars not substantiated by an overring or refund voucher must be examined and initialed by the ship's store officer. No signature will be placed opposite any entry on the NAVSUP Form 469 that shows an erasure or alterations. The entire line will be ruled out and initialed by the person making the collections and the sales outlet operator. When the type of cash register permits, the cover lift number, the number of customers, and the number of "no sales" also must be entered on the NAVSUP Form 469. At the end of each month the cash register record must be totaled and compared to the total figure reported in the Cash Receipt Book, NAVSUP Form 470, and the ROM system for the month.

A great deal has been said already regarding security. This is because security is so important and cannot be emphasized too strongly. All sales outlets are group III spaces and should be secured as discussed in chapter 1 of this TRAMAN. In addition to the security mentioned in chapter 1, you should also be aware of the possibility of theft or fraud. If you are not careful, theft may occur while the store is opened. You can pretty well prevent this just by keeping a close eye on the customers. Only allow a limited number of customers at a time to enter the walk-in store and never allow any customers to shop wearing a heavy jacket. Always ask the customers politely to remove their coats or jackets while in the store. A small sign placed on the door will also help to remind them.

Western Governors University

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