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Supply department spaces are organized into
groups as prescribed by the NAVSUP P-485. These groupings are shown in figure 1-3. The supply department is required to split the spaces into groups to meet the many different security requirements.

Group I
This group is made up of general store spaces, including storerooms, special lockers, and related spaces. The lock to one of these spaces will be opened by an original or duplicate key different from keys to any other locks.

Figure 1-3.- Supply department security groupings.

The original key will be drawn from the general key locker in the morning by the person in charge of that particular space. That person will keep the key until the end of the workday and then return it to the general key locker in the supply office. The duplicate key will be kept by the supply officer in a duplicate key locker or safe. All master keys to Group I spaces will be in the custody of the supply officer. The supply officer may appoint, in writing, permission for an officer or petty officer to hold a duplicate master key, if so desired.

Group II
This group includes all foodservice spaces including the galley, bakeshop, breadroom, vegetable preparation area, issue room, meat preparation area, refrigerated spaces, and foodservice storerooms. Keys to Group II spaces will be handled in the same manner as Group I except original keys to the galley, bakeshop, breadroom, meat preparation area, and vegetable preparation area will be passed between galley supervisors as they relieve each other. The master key and duplicate master key will be handled in the same manner as Group 1.

Groups III and IV
Group III spaces are made up of the ship's retail and clothing stores, the snack bar, vending machines, and bulk storerooms. Group IV spaces are made up of the ship's store service activities such as the laundry, barbershop, and dry-cleaning shop. Any Group IV space will be considered Group III when cash transactions are made within those spaces or material intended for resale is stowed there. We will discuss both of these groups more thoroughly under Group III space security later in this chapter.

Western Governors University

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