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The ROM Outstanding Purchase Order Report

The ROM outstanding purchase order report displays all outstanding purchase orders, either partial or full. This data file will show the purchase quantity and the quantity received for each line item. The quantity shown as received will only show in this report when the purchase order has only been partially received.

This report can be either printed or viewed. When this report is viewed, up to 10 purchase orders are displayed per screen starting with the first outstanding purchase order or a date can be specified if you prefer viewing from a certain date. The outstanding purchase order report may be accessed via the requisition/purchase order function.

The ROM Purchase Order Listing Report

The purchase order listing report is also accessed via the requisition/purchase order function. The purchase order listing report will display all purchase orders created during the current accounting period. The listing will indicate the status of each purchase order including the purchase order serial, invoice received and forwarding dates, amounts ordered and received, and whether it is received or outstanding. This report can be viewed or printed as desired. When this report is viewed, up to 10 purchase orders are displayed per screen starting with the first available purchase order or specified date.


This file is called the outstanding requisition file. It will contain copies of each outstanding DD Form 1348 or DD 1149 requisition document. In this file you place 10 requisition documents in numerical sequence in separate folders.

The ROM system maintains the outstanding requisition file. This file displays all outstanding requisitions, either full or partial, showing the requisition quantity and the quantity received for each line item. The quantity shown as received will only show in this listing when the requisition has only been partially received.

This file can either be printed or viewed. When you view this file, up to 10 requisitions are displayed per screen starting with the first outstanding requisition or a specific date. The outstanding requisition listing file may be accessed via the requisition/purchase order function. This file is maintained in the ROM and does not replace the manual SSA-12 file.


This file is called the completed requisition file. It contains a copy of each completed DD Form 1348 or DD Form 1149 requisition. In this file you will place 10 requisition documents in numerical sequence in separate folders. This file is maintained for the complete fiscal year.

The ROM system maintains the requisition listing file that is accessed through the requisition/ purchase order function. The requisition listing file will display all requisitions created during the current accounting period. This listing will indicate the status of each requisition including requisition serial number, invoice receipt and forwarding dates, amounts ordered or received, and whether it is received or outstanding. The file can be viewed or printed if desired. When viewing this file, you can view up to 10 requisitions per screen starting with the first available requisition or specific date.


This file is called the expenditure invoice file. It contains the original or copy of each document to which an expenditure serial number is assigned. This file is maintained for the complete fiscal year.


This file is called the fiscal gains or losses file. It contains the original of each NAVSUP Form 983 for price adjustments or purchase variances.


This file is called the vending machine control file. It contains the Vending Machine Control, NAVSUP Form 236. A separate Vending Machine Control, NAVSUP Form 236, is prepared monthly for each can- or cup-type vending machine operated aboard and is signed by the ship's store officer.


File SSA-17 is called the military correspondence file and SSA-18 is called the commercial correspondence file. Official correspondence is defined as all recorded communications sent to or received from any person in the Naval Establishment. Since incoming official correspondence is normally routed directly to the receiver, you may not see this correspondence until it is ready to be filed. A copy of all incoming and outgoing correspondence should be filed in SSA-17 for military correspondence (official correspondence from other military activities) and SSA-18 for commercial correspondence (official correspondence from civilian contractors or vendors, and so forth). All incoming letters should have a note attached stating what action was taken. All correspondence remains in the files for future reference or action.


This file is called the credit memorandum and cash refund file. It will contain a copy of each DD Form 1149 and related credit memorandum and correspondence.


This file is called the incoming material file. It will contain one copy of each outstanding purchase order and requisition to be used in the receipt of material by the bulk storeroom custodian.


This file is called the accountability file. It is kept under lock and key by the ship's store officer. It contains documents that furnish evidence of the responsibility of custodians. These documents are used to audit and verify the ship's store records. At the end of the accounting period, it is used to assemble the retained returns. SSA-21 includes, but is not limited to, the following materials:

For each receipt, a copy of each DD Form 1149, 1155, or 1348-1 signed by the responsible custodian

For each breakout, the original NAVSUP Form 973; for ROM users, the original NAVSUP Form 973 used to request items, with signatures, and a copy of the final NAVSUP Form 973

For each transfer, the original DD Form 1149

For each retail markdown, the original NAVSUP Form 983

For each markdown below cost and markdown to zero, a copy of the NAV-SUP Form 983 for each standard price adjustment and purchase variance, and a copy of the NAVSUP Form 983

For each survey, a copy of the DD Form 200

For each bulk sale, the original DD Form 1149

The original Memorandum Cash Sales Invoice Deposit of Cash with the Disbursing Officer, DD Form 1149

The original of the opening inventory

The original of the latest tax-free cigarette inventory with signatures

l The original or copy of all other documents as required

l ROM backup tapes

a ROM system audit correcting report

l The envelope containing the ROM security access rights list

l Appendix F of the ROM Terminal User's Guide (TUG)


This file is called charges against ship's store profits file. It will contain the following documents:

. Copy of each DD Form 1149 substantiating cost of operations.

. Original of surveys charging Ship's Store Profits, Navy.

. Original of NAVSUP Form 983 for markdowns below cost and markdowns to zero. 

. Copy of DD Form 1155 for purchases using Ship's Store Profits, Navy, for which a dealer's bill has not been received. A copy of the dealer's bill will be attached to this copy when received and will remain in this file until submitted with the ship's store returns. 

. Copy of NAVCOMPT Form 2277 for laundry claims.


This file is called the receipt inspector's file. It contains one copy of each outstanding purchase order and requisition to be used in the receipt of material by the receipt inspector.


This file is called the special order file. It contains one copy of each outstanding special order.

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