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Processing the Transmittal

At the end of the month a letter report must be forwarded to the appropriate FAADC. If there are no receipts during the month, the ship still must forward a negative letter report to the appropriate FAADC. Both sample letters for the transmittal are shown in figure 2-10. ROM users will produce the transmittal of receipt documents, floppy diskette, and the letter of transmittal in the resale operations reports function.

The letter with receipt documents must be forwarded by the 7th calendar day after the end of the month. The receipts should be securely packaged in a strong envelope or box. In the upper left-hand corner of the package, include the following statement:

UIC NAME AND FPO ADDRESS OF THE SHIP "Receipt document numbers through for the month of ."

Figure 2-10.-Monthly transmittal letters to FAADC.

If more than one package is used, write the number of the package and the number of the total packages on the outside of each package.

Once the receipt documents are mailed, you will include the appropriate entry on the journal of receipts as discussed earlier. A copy of the letter report is filed in the Military Correspondence File, SSA-17, and the Accountability File, SSA-21.


This file is called the expenditure to use file. It will contain the original and one copy of each DD Form 1149 for issue to ship's use and expenditures to other appropriations such as the general mess and general stores.


This file is called the Navy stock fund file. It will contain the original DD Form 200 of each survey charged to the Navy Stock Fund. The ROM system maintains a survey log on file that lists all surveys made during the current accounting period including those surveys maintained in file SSA-7. The log can be printed via the print survey log, a subfunction of the survey function.


This file is called the cash sales file. It contains two copies of each monthly Cash Sales Invoice Deposit of Cash with the Disbursing Officer, DD Form 1149, and one copy of each DD Form 1149 substantiating bulk sales.


This file is called the transfer to other supply officers file. It will contain two copies of each DD Form 1149 or DD Form 1348-1 transfer document.


This file is called the returns file. It will contain documents needed to prepare original returns but not included in other files.


This file is called the purchase order file. It consists of three subfiles, SSA-11A, SSA-11 B, and SSA-11C. In each of these subfiles 10 purchase

orders are placed in numerical sequence in separate folders (for example, purchase orders 9700 through 9709 will be placed in one folder, purchase orders 9710 through 9719 in another folder, and so on). We will discuss the contents of each of these subfiles in the following paragraphs.

Subfile SSA-11A

This subfile is called the outstanding purchase order file. It contains each outstanding DD Form 1155 and related correspondence.

Subfile SSA-11B

This subfile is called the purchase orders for material received awaiting dealers' bills file. It contains the DD Form 1155 for material that has been received, but is awaiting dealers' bills.

Subfile SSA-11C

This subfile is called the completed purchase order file. It contains copies of each DD Form 1155 for which material has been received and payment made, with all related bills, invoices, and correspondence attached. File SSA-11C is maintained for the complete fiscal year in this file and then will be maintained in a separate file.

When using file SSA-11, all purchase orders made using fast pay procedures or not will be routed through all three sub files. A copy of the dealer's bill must be attached to every DD Form 1155 in SSA-11C.

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