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The ship's store officer is responsible for receipt, identification, and inspection of all incoming stock. The designated receipt inspector will normally carry out all these responsibilities unless the ship's store officer decides otherwise. The procedures for receiving stock are closely related throughout the Navy. Basically the receipt inspector must make sure the government receives what it paid for according to the terms of the contract and the stock received is not damaged and is in good condition.

When stock is received on board, it is assembled on the deck or pier and checked for quantity, quality, and damage. The quantity shown on the outside of the factory packed container may be used as your count as long as the container has not been opened and there is no evidence of possible differences in the contents or in the quantity.


The receipt inspector should have received advance notice on when the stock is to be received; what type of merchandise; how much merchandise; how large of a working party he or she will need, if any; what equipment is needed, if any; expected time of delivery; and the method of delivery before the day of delivery. The receipt inspector should not plan any major evolutions on the days heavy receipts are expected outside of his or her normal job. As the receipt inspector, you will probably be working in another area of the ship's store operation. You can expect to be pulled away from your regular job at different times during the day if something is received unexpectedly, especially for stock delivered through the postal system.

Once you receive word that stock is to be received, report to the ship's store office; get the retained procurement document(s) out of the Receipt Inspector File (SSA-23) and take them to the area where the stock will be received. If the stock is being delivered by a carrier on the pier, direct the carrier to a suitable unloading site. This action is called spotting. Proper spotting results in the following:

l The shortest possible distance to the stowage area

l Continuous flow and proper balance between personnel carrying stock and equipment . Consolidation of unloading operations l Less time the working party is required

After the carrier has been placed in a suitable unloading site you are ready to assemble the stock on the pier. Assemble the stock so it can be checked for quantity, quality, and damage. If you notice any damaged material during the receipt process, set the container aside, notify the driver of the carrier, and do not receive it. Always note on the carrier's bill that the case was not received and that it is being returned, Make sure the driver also certifies on the delivery ticket or bill of lading any damaged items or errors in quantities delivered.

Once sufficient material has been checked in and received, notify the quarterdeck to call away the working party. The receipt inspector should continue counting while the leading SH musters the working party. The working party should not be called away too early or they will be standing around doing nothing when they could have been used by their respective department. As you count the cases, number each container in a spot on the case predetermined by you and the bulk storeroom custodian. Let the supervisor of the working party know the last number you marked so the cases can be sent to the bulk storeroom in numerical order. Numerically numbering the containers makes it easy to tell if any containers are missing. You can further improve this process by recording the number of each case opposite the person's name carrying the box on the muster list. This process will alert you to the name of the person carrying a case that is reported missing by the storeroom custodian.


Be extra careful when you are receiving stock during unfavorable weather. Rain or snow can cause damage to stock and very hot and humid conditions can cause certain stock items to deteriorate. If the weather is hot and humid, always have items such as candy carried to the stowage area first to prevent them from melting. If possible, keep these types of items in a shaded area while they are on the pier waiting to be carried to the stowage area.

In case it is raining or snowing, place all stock removed from the carrier on a pallet to prevent water damage or dampness. Cover each pallet with a tarpaulin or other waterproof cover until it is moved to the bulk storeroom. If the weather is bad enough to disrupt the receiving operation, notify the ship's store officer. He or she may want to reschedule the delivery for a later date. This may not always be possible due to the ship's schedule or problems with the carrier or vendor. In case of inclement weather, you must take additional steps to receive the stock. Since the stock cannot be assembled on the pier for counting, count the stock as it is removed from the carrier to the stowage area. This is not a desirable procedure; however, if the stock must be received that day, you can use ibis method to prevent water damage to the stock. Remember, there may be quite a distance between the carrier and a covered area so provide each person carrying stock with a large plastic bag to cover and protect the stock while it is being carried to the stowage area.

When you use the above procedure always count each line item in its entirety before you send it to the stowage area. This is done so the driver of the carrier can witness any differences between your count and the amount on the receipt document.


The receipt inspector is the first person to accept merchandise. Once items are delivered to the ship, the quantities counted will be checked against the receipt papers and the copy of the requisition or purchase order in the Receipt Inspector File (SSA-23). The methods of accepting receipts are discussed below.

Accepting Receipts From Other Supply Officers

Once the receipt inspector inspects receipts from OSOs for quantity and quality, he or she will sign for the material and circle the quantity received on either the DD Form 1149 or DD Form 1348-1. If there is a difference between the physical amount received and the amount on the requisition, the actual amount should be indicated on the requisition and circled. The amount over or short will be accounted for by the ship's store office, If the quality of the item or items is unsatisfactory, you are required to accept it when it involves receipts from OSOs. The unsatisfactory merchandise will be disposed of by survey later.

Accepting Receipts From Purchase

Once the receipt inspector inspects receipts from purchase for quantity and quality, he or she will accept the material only when the quantity of the items received is the same quantity as shown on the DD Form 1155 and the quality of the item(s) is satisfactory. Any merchandise noted as being unsatisfactory will be returned to the vendor and not accepted. If the quantity and quality are acceptable, the receipt inspector will receive the merchandise as shown in figure 4-1. First, the receipt inspector will circle the quantity received on the DD Form 1155; second, he or she will check the Inspected and Received blocks in block 26 of the DD Form 1155; third, he or she will enter the date, sign his or her name, and enter grade in block 26 of the DD Form 1155. If the quantity of the items physically received is different than the quantity shown on the DD Form 1155, you may accept the lesser quantity by doing the following: . Record and circle the actual quantity received on the DD Form 1155. 

. Check the inspected, received, and accepted and conforms except as noted below blocks in block 26 of the DD Form 1155.

. Date, sign your name, and enter grade in block 26 of the DD Form 1155.

If the quantity is incorrect or the quality of the items received is not satisfactory, notify the ship's store officer of the circumstances so the vendor can be contacted.

In the case of tax-free tobacco products, one of the following export forms will be presented by the vendor once you are ready to accept the merchandise. 

. Notice of Removal of Tobacco, Tobacco Products, or Cigarette Papers or Tubes from Factory Export, Internal Revenue Service Form 2149 . Notice of Removal of Tobacco Products or Cigarette Paper or Tubes from Warehouse for Export, Internal Revenue Service Form 2150

These forms must be signed by a commissioned officer, when available, or a responsible petty officer. The person signing the forms will specify his or her grade and title in the space marked Title and sign the forms. These forms must be returned to the manufacturer or warehouse proprietor making the shipment for appropriate action.

Figure 4-1.-Accepting receipts by the receipt inspector.

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