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When processing receipts from other appropriations such as the general mess or general stores, you will post the quantity received to the Stock Record, NAVSUP Form 464, in the Received, Balance In Bulkroom, and Total Balance columns. If the receipt is to go directly to the service activity, post the stock record as we discussed under processing receipts directly into the service activity. Post the total dollar value of the receipt to the Journal of Expenditures, NAVSUP Form 978, as a credit entry, which is a minus entry entered in red ink. The requisition number for the receipt document will be used as the control number for all postings. Receipts from other appropriations are not posted to the Journal of Receipts, NAVSUP Form 977.

ROM users will indicate that the receipt is from another appropriation in the ROM receipt function. ROM will properly enter receipts from other appropriations to all applicable records.


Receipt documents covering receipts from OSOs will be processed on a DD Form 1348 or a DD Form 1149. When a DD Form 1348 is used as the requisition document and a DD Form

Figure 4-17.-Processing receipts directly into the sales outlet.

1348-1 is used as the receipt document, the distribution will be as follows:

. The original will be signed by the receipt inspector and returned to the issuing activity, if required.

. One copy of the document, signed by the receipt inspector, with the hardback copy from the Receipt Inspector File (SSA-23), will be extended at cost by the recordskeeper. The document will then be sent to the ship's store officer for comparison with the copy from the Incoming Material File (SSA-20). Afterwards, it will be retained in the Completed Requisition File (SSA-13). l One copy of the document, signed by the

responsible custodian, along with the green copy from the Incoming Material File (SSA-20), will be forwarded to the ship's store officer for extensions and comparisons with the receipt inspector's copy. The copy will be retained in the Accountability File (SSA-21), until it is filed with the retained returns. l When it applies, two copies of the

requisition will have the following information recorded on them: date of receipt of material, quantities received, cost extensions, and retail extensions. After all the ship's store records have been posted, the documents will be filed as follows:

ROM users will compare the dollar amount posted to the Journal of Receipts, NAV-SUP Form 977, with the manually extended dollar amount on the receipt document.

One copy in the Receipts From Other Supply Officers File (SSA-5) along with the pink copy from the Outstanding Requisition File (SSA-12) until the monthly transmittal to the appropriate FAADC.

One copy in the Completed Requisition File (SSA-13) along with the yellow copy from the Outstanding Requisition File (SSA-12).

When the DD Form 1149 is used as the requisition document and the receipt document

for transfers between supply officers, the distribution will be as follows:

. The original DD Form 1149 received with the material will be signed by the receipt inspector and returned to the issuing activity.

. One copy from the Receipt Inspector File (SSA-23) will be extended at cost by the recordskeeper and then forwarded to the ship's store officer for comparison with the copy from the Incoming Material File (SSA-20), Afterwards it will be retained in the Completed Requisition File (SSA-13). l The copy from the Incoming Material File

(SSA-20) will be signed by the responsible custodian and then forwarded to the ship's store officer for extensions and comparison with the receipt inspector's copy, Afterwards, it will be placed in the Accountability File (SSA-21) and later filed with the retained returns. l Two copies from the Outstanding Requisition File (SSA-12) must have the following

information recorded on them: date of receipt of material, quantities received, cost extensions, and retail extensions when applicable. After all the ship's store records have been posted, the documents will be filed as follows:

ROM users will compare the dollar value posted to the Journal of Receipts, NAV-SUP Form 977, with the manually extended dollar amount on the receipt document.

One copy in the Receipts From Other Supply Officers File (SSA-5) until the monthly transmittal to the appropriate FAADC.

One copy in the Completed Requisition File (SSA-13).


Receipt documents covering receipts from purchases will either be United States merchandise or foreign merchandise. United States merchandise can be with or without fast pay procedures applying and foreign merchandise can include merchandise from Navy exchanges or foreign vendors. For United States merchandise, the DD Form 1155 will be distributed as follows when fast pay procedures apply:

. The copy from the Receipt Inspector File (SSA-23) signed by the receipt inspector will be forwarded to the recordskeeper and extended at cost. It will then be sent to the ship's store officer for comparison with the incoming material file copy. After comparison, it will be filed in the Purchase Order File for Material Received Awaiting Dealers' Bills (SSA-11B). l The copy from the Incoming Material File (SSA-20) will be signed by the responsible custodian. It will then be sent to the ship's store officer for extensions and comparison with the receipt inspector's copy. Afterwards, it will be placed in the Accountability File (SSA-21) and later filed with the retained returns. . Two copies taken from the Outstanding

Purchase Order File (SSA-11A) must have the following information recorded on them when it applies: date of receipt of material, quantities received, cost extensions, and retail extensions. After all the ship's store records have been posted, the documents will be filed as follows:

ROM users will compare the dollar amount posted to the Journal of Receipts, NAVSUP Form 977, with the manually extended dollar amount on the receipt document.

One copy in the Receipts From Purchase File (SSA-4) until the monthly transmittal to the appropriate FAADC.

One copy in the Purchase Order File for Material Received Awaiting Dealers' Bills (SSA-11B).

For United States merchandise, the DD Form 1155 will be distributed as follows when fast pay procedures do not apply:

. The original in the Outstanding Purchase Order File (SSA-11A) will be moved to the Purchase Order File for Material Received Awaiting Dealers' Bills (SSA-11B).

. The copy from the Receipt Inspector File (SSA-23) signed by the receipt inspector will be forwarded to the recordskeeper and extended at cost. It will then be sent to the ship's store officer

for comparison with the incoming material file copy. After comparison, it will be filed in the Purchase Order File for Material Received Awaiting Dealers' Bills (SSA-11B).

. The copy from the Incoming Material File (SSA-20) will be signed by the responsible custodian. It will then be sent to the ship's store officer for extensions and comparison with the receipt inspector's copy. Afterwards, it will be placed in the Accountability File (SSA-21) and later filed with the retained returns. l Two copies taken from the Outstanding

Purchase Order File (SSA-11A) must have the following recorded on them: date of receipt of material, quantities received, cost extensions, and retail extension when applicable. After all the ship's store records have been posted, file the copies as follows:

ROM users will compare the dollar amount posted to the Journal of Receipts, NAV-SUP Form 977, with the manually extended dollar amount on the receipt document.

One copy in the Receipts From Purchase File (SSA-4) until the monthly transmittal to the appropriate FAADC.

One copy in the Purchase Order File for Material Received Awaiting Dealers' Bills (SSA-11B).

For foreign merchandise received from the Navy exchange under fast pay procedures, the DD Form 1155 will be distributed as follows:

. The copy from the Receipt Inspector File (SSA-23) signed by the receipt inspector will be forwarded to the recordskeeper and extended at cost. It will then be sent to the ship's store officer for comparison with the incoming material file copy. After comparison, it will be filed in the Purchase Order File for Material Received Awaiting Dealers' Bills (SSA-11B). l The copy from the Incoming Material File

(SSA-20) will be signed by the responsible custodian. It will then be sent to the ship's store officer for extensions and comparison with the receipt inspector's copy. Afterwards, it will be placed in the Accountability File (SSA-21) and later filed with the retained returns.

l Two copies taken from the Outstanding

Purchase Order File (SSA-11A) must have the following recorded on them when applicable: date of receipt of materials, quantities received, cost extensions, and retail extensions. After all applicable records have been posted, file the copies as follows:

ROM users will compare the dollar amount posted to the Journal of Receipts, NAVSUP Form 977, with the manually extended dollar amount on the receipt document.

One copy in the Receipts From Purchase File (SSA-4) until the monthly transmittal to the appropriate FAADC.

One copy in the Purchase Order File for Material Received Awaiting Dealers' Bills (SSA-11B).

When foreign merchandise is received direct from foreign vendors, the DD Form 1155 will be distributed as follows:

. The original in the Outstanding Purchase Order File (SSA-11A) will be moved to the Purchase Order File for Material Awaiting Dealers' Bills (SSA-11B). It will be filed with the copies from the receipt inspect or's file after those copies have been processed. 

l The copy from the Receipt Inspector File (SSA-23) signed by the receipt inspector will be forwarded to the recordskeeper and extended at cost. It will then be sent to the ship's store officer for comparison with the incoming material file copy. After comparison, it will be filed in the Purchase Order File for Material Received

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