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Awaiting Dealers' Bills (SSA-11B).

. The copy from the Incoming Material File (SSA-20) will be signed by the responsible custodian. It will then be sent to the ship's store officer for extensions and comparison with the receipt inspector's copy. Afterwards, it will be placed in the Accountability File (SSA-21) and later filed with the retained returns. . Two copies from the Outstandin g

Purchase Order File (SSA-11A) will have the following recorded on them when applicable: date of receipt of material, quantities received, cost extensions, and retail extensions. After all applicable records have been posted, copies will be filed as follows:

ROM users will compare the dollar amount posted to the Journal of Receipts, NAV-SUP Form 977, with the manually extended dollar amount on the receipt document.

One copy in the Receipts From Purchase File (SSA-4) until the monthly transmittal to the appropriate FAADC.

One copy in the Purchase Order File for Material Received Awaiting Dealers' Bills (SSA-11B).


An issue is an expenditure of stock for a further purpose. Issues of ship's store and standard Navy clothing stock are made to other appropriations or to service activities and are limited to the following:

Health and comfort issues

Cost of operations issues

Issues to the general mess

Issues to ship's use (OPTAR)

Issues to Marine Corps personnel

Issues to survivors of marine and aircraft disasters

Issues to merchant ships in distress

Issues for burial of the dead

All authorized issues of ship's store stock are made at cost price except health and comfort items that are issued at the prescribed retail price and standard Navy clothing items that are issued at the standard prices.

In this chapter we will discuss the various types of issues you may encounter in ship's store afloat. This discussion will include using these issues and accounting for them on the ship's store records and files.


Health and comfort issues are authorized by NAVREGS, Art. 0767. The purpose of health and comfort issues is to provide toiletries, tobacco, clothing items, and other necessities required for the health and well-being of personnel without enough money to purchase them, All health and comfort issues are made from the retail store.

These issues can be made to personnel of the Navy, Marine Corps, Army, Air Force, Coast Guard, and their respective reserve components. The procedures to follow, the funds charged, and personnel authorized to be issued health and comfort items are determined by their pay status.


The issue of health and comfort items to members in a pay status is made under the circumstances listed below:

. For personnel temporarily without money. l For personnel who are returned deserters

and absentees.

. For personnel on first enlistment or first reporting for active duty who have not received their initial clothing allowance. l For personnel who are subject to the

Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) and are confined in a naval confinement facility. Issues made to personnel in confinement are made according to the Corrections Manual, SEC-NAVINST 1640.9.

Health and comfort issues to personnel without money are charged to their pay record even if it results in overpayment. If issues are made to personnel entitled to pay who are in confinement or awaiting trial or review after conviction, charges are made to their pay record in a normal manner. Issues of ship's store stock not including clothing items are limited to $35 per month at retail price for any one person.

The commanding officer or delegated representative approves all health and comfort issues for personnel in a pay status by signing the original and two copies of the Request and Receipt for Health and Comfort Supplies, DD Form 504, for issues of ship's store stock, and the Requisition Receipt, Men's, NAVSUP Form 28, or the Requisition Receipt, Women's, NAVSUP Form 28A, for issues of clothing. Before approval, the member's name, social security number, and pay status must be verified, and a copy of the member's ID card must be attached to the form. In some cases the member may have a temporary ID card.

After the approved documents are received by the retail store operator, the operator will issue the health and comfort items. The retail store operator will make sure the member's name and social security number on the form are the same as those on the copy of the ID card. The total dollar value of issues is then entered on a separate page of the Cash Receipt Book, NAVSUP Form 470. The original NAVSUP Forms 28/28A and/or DD Form 504 are turned over to the cash collection agent with daily collections and the entry in the NAVSUP Form 470 is signed by the retail store operator and the cash collection agent. After collection, the original forms with the copy of the member's ID card are forwarded to the disbursing officer. The disbursing officer will charge the member's pay record and issue a check payable to the ship's store officer for the amount issued. Once the check is received by the retail store operator, the entry is made on the NAVSUP Form 470 that indicates the check was cleared in the cash register. One copy of the NAVSUP Forms 28/28A and/or DD Form 504 is filed in the Accountability File, SSA-21, and one copy is given to the person receiving the issue. Health and comfort issues to personnel in a pay status are handled as a cash sale.


A member in a nonpay status is one who is not being credited with any pay or allowances. Such members include personnel of the Navy, Marine Corps, Army, Air Force, Coast Guard, and the respective reserve components. There is no monetary limitation on the value of clothing items that may be issued, but issues of all other items are limited to $35 per month at retail for any one person.

The commanding officer or delegated representative approves all issues for health and comfort items to personnel in a nonpay status on the Request and Receipt for Health and Comfort Supplies, DD Form 504, or for clothing issued on the Requisition Receipt, Men's, NAVSUP Form 28, or the Requisition Receipt, Women's, NAVSUP Form 28A.

Issues are made by the retail store operator in the same manner as making issues to personnel in a pay status. When making issues to personnel in a nonpay status, the retail store operator will not have to worry about receiving a check from the disbursing officer because issues to personnel in a nonpay status are accounted for differently. What happens is the ship's store officer prepares a Requisition and Invoice/ Shipping Document, DD Form 1149, to expend the value of issues made from the Navy Stock Fund. The total dollar value shown on the DD Form 1149 is posted to the Journal of Expenditures, NAVSUP Form 978, and to the correct column of the Ship's Store Afloat Financial Control Record, NAVSUP Form 235, to adjust the accountability of the retail store operator. ROM users will enter the issue in the ROM miscellaneous expenditure activity function. The ROM will assign an expenditure number and post the issue data to the NAVSUP Form 235, NAVSUP Form 978, and the NAVCOMPT Form 153. The DD Form 1149 and the issue document for issues to personnel in a nonpay status are distributed as shown in table 5-1.

A list is prepared monthly by the ship's store officer and submitted to the commanding officer showing the name, social security number, and the value of the articles furnished to each individual.

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