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Articles that are required by a Marine Corps detachment may be issued when a written request from the detachment's commanding officer is received. In the case of clothing items, issues to Marine Corps personnel are not made unless accompanied by a signed order from the individual's commanding officer, with the exception of health and comfort issues.

Issues to Marine Corps personnel are made on a DD Form 1149. The original and three copies of the DD Form 1149 are forwarded to the commanding officer of the detachment who signs


Table 5-1.-Distribution of the DD Form 1149 and the Issue Document for Issues to Personnel in a Nonpay Status

and returns the original and two copies to the ship's store officer.

In manual recordskeeping, the total quantities issued will be expended from the Stock Record, NAVSUP Form 464, and the total dollar value of the DD Form 1149 is entered on the Journal of Expenditures, NAVSUP Form 978. In combined responsibility operations, the total dollar value will be expended on the Ship's Store Afloat Financial Control Record, NAVSUP Form 235. ROM users will enter issues to the Marine Corps in the ROM miscellaneous expenditure activity function as an issue to ship's use. The ROM system will post issue data to the NAVSUP Forms 464 and 978. For combined responsibility operations, the ROM will expend the total dollar value on the NAVSUP Form 235. The signed original of the DD Form 1149 and one copy are filed in the Expenditures to Use File, SSA-6, and later submitted with the returns. One copy is also filed in the Accountability File, SSA-21, and later filed in the retained returns.


Ship's store items may be sold for cash to survivors of marine and aircraft disasters if they have personal funds in their possession. If the survivor is without personal funds in his or her possession, upon written orders of the commanding officer, items required for health and comfort may be issued or donated by personnel of the rescuing ship. The sale or donation of clothing items to survivors who are nonnaval personnel is restricted to nondistinctive items. All issues or donations are receipted for by each survivor on a Requisition Receipt, NAVSUP Forms 28/28A, and are accounted for in the same manner as issues to Marine Corps personnel.


When authorized by the senior officer present, and on written orders from the commanding officer, merchant ships in distress may be issued items of ship's store stock including nondistinctive clothing. Each order must include the important circumstances surrounding the issue and, when possible, cash must be collected at the time of issue. When it is impossible to sell them for cash, the items issued will be invoiced to the Navy Ships Parts Control Center, Mechanicsburg, PA. ROM users will enter issues to merchant ships in distress as an Other Supply Officer (OSO) transfer in the ROM miscellaneous expenditure activity function. The ROM will assign an expenditure number and post the issue data to the NAVSUP Forms 464 and 978 and to the NAVCOMPT Form 153.


Articles of clothing for burial of the dead will be issued when requested by the commanding officer or medical officer. Issues such as this are expended from the Navy Stock Fund charging the appropriation, Operations and Maintenance, Navy, and the appropriate BUMED subhead.


Beverages and individual-sized servings of food items, when needed for special meals, are issued to the general mess. Issues such as this to the general mess are expended at cost price on a DD Form 1149. Figure 5-1 illustrates the DD Form 1149 properly prepared for an issue to the general mess. Follow along as we discuss the entries below:

Figure 5-1.

Also, you are required to enter the functional account data on the DD Form 1149 as shown below:

Foodservice personnel receiving the items issued must sign for them on the DD Form 1149. The total dollar value of the issue to the general mess as shown on the DD Form 1149 is posted to the Journal of Expenditures, NAVSUP Form 978. For combined responsibility operations the total dollar value is also expended from the appropriate column of the Ship's Store Afloat Financial Control Record, NAVSUP Form 235. The quantity of the items issued to the general mess is expended from the corresponding Stock Record, NAVSUP Form 464. In separate responsibility, items issued from the bulk storeroom are expended from the Balance in Bulkroom and Total Balance columns. In combined responsibility when the bulk storeroom and the sales outlet are operated by the same person, the Balance in Bulkroom column of the NAVSUP Form 464 is not used; therefore, the items issued are expended from the Total Balance column only. After posting the above, the appropriate information concerning the issue is filled in on the Expenditure Invoice Log.

ROM users will enter issues to the general mess in the ROM miscellaneous expenditure activity function. The ROM will assign an expenditure number and post the issue data to the NAVSUP Forms 464 and 978 and the NAVCOMPT Form 153. In combined responsibility operations, the ROM will expend the total dollar value on the NAVSUP Form 235.

Once the postings are done, the DD Form 1149 covering issues to the general mess is distributed as follows:

l Original and one copy to the Expenditures to Use File, SSA-6, and later submitted in the returns

. One copy to the Accountability File, SSA-21, and later filed in the returned returns

l One copy to the Expenditure Invoice File, SSA-14

. One copy to the food service officer


When normal supply sources are not available and general stores stock is exhausted, similar items of stock can be issued from the ship's store. Such issues are made on a DD Form 1149 and charged to the ship's OPTAR fund. Ship's store and standard Navy clothing items may be issued to ship's use as discussed below.


All ship's store stock, except emblematic items issued to ship's use, is charged to the ship's OPTAR funds, except for ships operating under special accounting class 207 procedures. Issues to ship's use on these types of ships are handled as a transfer to other supply officers. Normally, if an item in general stores is not available, a similar item of ship's store stock can be issued only for the use of the ship to complete maintenance work or other optional requirements. These items are normally limited to such items as flashlights, batteries, padlocks, soap, film, and flashbulbs. Controlled equipage, such as cameras, binoculars, and so forth, will not be issued but will be procured according to procedures contained in the NAVSUP P-485.

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