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The NAVSUP Form 235 is balanced and closed out at the end of the accounting period and at any other time directed by the commanding officer. Balancing and closing out the NAVSUP Form 235 is a very important job, and accuracy is of the utmost importance because accuracy determines whether a ship's store activity is short or over. It is especially important to the responsible custodian, since he or she is held responsible and can be punished under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) for any excessive differences.

In addition, the NAVSUP Form 235 must be balanced but not closed out when any of the following events occurs: l An inventory is taken to determine the financial status of a sales outlet or bulk storeroom (for example, when you take monthly inventory in a self-service store and sales outlet operated by more than one person). 

l The ship's store officer is relieved during the accounting period and returns are not submitted.

. The responsible custodian is relieved; the appropriate column on the NAVSUP Form 235 is balanced.

ROM users first enter inventory data for each retail outlet in the ROM inventory function. After this data is entered, the ROM balances the NAVSUP Form 235 and ROM users process the NAVSUP Form 235 in the ROM reports function.

In figures 6-11 and 6-12, the procedures for closing out the NAVSUP Form 235 manually are shown for both separate and combined responsibility. It looks like a difficult task, but all it involves is transferring figures, adding columns, and figuring the percentage of differences. Follow along and study each figure as we discuss the entries made during the closeout of the NAVSUP Form 235.

Sales Entry

Sales is the first entry made during closeout for each ship's store activity. After sales, enter the cash collected for each sales outlet during the accounting period in the Expenditure column, Obtain the cash sales figure from the Cash Register Record, NAVSUP Form 469, for each individual sales outlet. The ROM system automatically enters this information.

Inventory Carried Forward Entry

Inventory carried forward is the second entry made during closeout of the NAVSUP Form 235. For all sales outlets except cup-type vending machines and snack bar manufactured items, enter the closing inventory at retail in the correct Expenditure column. For cup-type vending machines and snack bar manufactured items, enter the closing inventory at cost price in the correct Expenditure column. Obtain these closing inventory figures from the inventory summary sheet for each sales outlet. The ROM system automatically enters this information.

Subtotal Entry

Subtotal is the third entry made during closeout of the NAVSUP Form 235. Add all the entries in the Receipt and Expenditure columns, including the sales figure and inventory carried forward for each activity, and enter the totals. The ROM system computes the subtotal automatically.

Difference Entry

Enter the amount of difference in the Receipt and Expenditure columns necessary to make the two columns equal. An amount in the Receipt column indicates an overage, while an amount in the Expenditure column indicates a shortage. For cup-type vending machines, the amount reported on this line is the gross profit. The ROM automatically computes the difference.

6-20 Figure 6-11.

6-21 Figure 6-12.

Total Entry

Total is the final closeout entry. Add the subtotal and difference entries for each column and enter the totals in the Receipt and Expenditure columns. These figures must match. The ROM system computes the total automatically.

Once you complete the above transactions, you are ready to enter the summary entries at the bottom of the NAVSUP Form 235. The purpose of most of these summary entries is to show the differences and the percentage of overage or shortage.

Retail Store Entry

For each retail store, enter the dollar amount of the overage or shortage reported on the difference line followed by the percentage of the overage or shortage. To compute the percentage of the shortage or overage, divide the amount on the difference line by the amount on the sales line. In the example in figure 6-11, the difference for retail store number 1 was $116.20 divided by the sales of $49,161.80. This equals a percentage of difference of .24 percent. The ROM automatically posts difference information.

Standard Navy Clothing Store Entry

When you have a separate standard Navy clothing store, enter the amount of the overage or shortage reported on the difference line followed by the percentage of overage or shortage. The ROM system automatically posts difference information.

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