MESSAGE PRODUCTS AWSP 105-52, volume III, Weather Message lists MANOP headers for many pre-designated FNOC meteorological and oceano-graphic products in gridded format, ranging from surface winds and upper-level winds to highly detailed sea-wave spectrum predictions for specified points. In addition, Automated Product Request (APR) Users Manual, FLENUMOCEANCENINST 3140.3, describes pro-cedures for requesting various data fields and specialized meteorological and oceanographic products. A new instruction, General Acoustic Conditions Depiction System Users Guide, FLENUMOCEANCENINST 3145.3, describes various acoustic-conditions graphic products, as well as alphanumeric gridded products available from FNOC via NEDS, NODDS, and AUTODIN message. Learning Objectives: Identify the Acoustic Range Prediction products available from FNOC; identify the manual that describes the request procedures for the products; and identify the manual that describes the product format and interpretation guide. ACOUSTIC RANGE PREDICTION PRODUCTS FNOC provides acoustic range prediction products in support of active and passive sonar systems. The Acoustic Sensor Range Prediction (ASRAP) and the Predesignated High Interest Tactical Area (PHITAR) products were developed to support passive systems. Active systems are supported by the Active ASRAP and the Ship/Helicopter Acoustic Range Prediction System (SHARPS) products. Although briefly described in this section, these products and their applications are thoroughly described in the classified NAVOCEANCOMINST C3140.22, displays a 50-percent probability of detection range as a function of sonar mode, ships speed, and transmission path (direct, convergence zone, and bottom bounce). Estimated passive and active counter detection ranges are also provided. PHITAR Products PHITAR primarily provides propagation-loss data to submarines in a communications efficient form, although it is also used by air and surface ASW squadrons. It is available in three modes: PHITARReceiver Mode; the various frequencies and source depths are depicted for each receiver depth. PHITARFFrequency mode; the various source depths and receiver depths are depicted for each frequency. PHITARVVLAD Mode; used with the VLAD sonobouy. PHITAR propagation-loss data is used by the requestor to plot propagation-loss (proploss) curves and thereby determine expected passive acoustic ranges for the sonar systems of interest, Because of the sensitivity of the information contained in the actual Acoustic Range Prediction products, we cannot present meaningful examples of each product or provide a breakdown of the message format. To properly interpret these products, you should consult NAVOCEANCOM Environmental Tactical Support Products Manual. SUMMARY In this lesson we have discussed a few of the most widely used products available from the U.S. Navys Fleet Numerical Oceanography Center. Many specialized computer produced products are available for your use that we have not even mentioned. You should take the time some quiet mid-watch to look through APR Users Manual, General Acoustic Conditions Depiction System Users Guide, and if you have the required clearance, through the NAVOCEANCOM En-vironmental Tactical Support Products Manual to familiarize yourself with some of the other computer-produced products available. |
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