UNIT 4LESSON 3 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE CHARTS AND PRODUCTS OVERVIEW Identify the types of National Weather Service products and the routine methods used to distribute these products to Naval Oceanography Command and Fleet Aerographers Mates. Identify the major numerical prediction models used by the National Weather Service. Identify parameters on the most frequently used National Weather Service facsimile charts. Interpret commonly used National Weather Service bulletins. OUTLINE General types of National Weather Service products Availability of NWS products to Naval Oceanography Command units Availability of NWS products to Fleet Aerographers Mates Informational sources about NWS products, availability, and schedules Numerical prediction models used by the National Weather Service Parameters on NWS facsimile charts Surface analysis Weather depiction analysis Radar Summary analysis Upper-air analysis Composite analysis 12-hour upper wind forecast 12- to 48-hour Boundary Layer wind forecast 12- to 48-hour surface weather forecast series NGM 12- to 48-hour forecast series MOS probability forecast Mid-range surface forecast Mid-range temperature forecast Interpretation of frequently used coded bulletins NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE CHARTS AND PRODUCTS The National Weather Service (NWS), head- quartered in Suitland, Maryland, operates as a branch of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), under the U.S. Department of Commerce. The National Weather Service computers at the National Meteorological Center (NMC) in Suitland are the focal point for meteorological data collection in the United States. As a member of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), NWS also shares selected data and products with all other member nations in the WMO via the WMO data collection computer system based in Geneva, Switzerland. Learning Objective: Identify the types of National Weather Service products and the routine methods used to distribute these products to Naval Oceanography Command units and Fleet Aerographers Mates. |
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