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Electromagnetic Propagation Programs 

The Electromagnetic (EM) Propagation sec-tion is composed of five major categories of pro-grams: Environmental Status, Files Maintenance, Propagation Conditions, Electromagnetic Ap-plications, and Electrooptical Applications.

ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS. The Environmental Status option is used to assess the status of the refractivity data file. An existing refractivity data set may be selected for use, or one can be created using the Create Atmospheric profile entry, radiosonde data selection, historical refractive profile data selection, or Airborne Microwave Refractometer data analysis.

FILES MAINTENANCE. The File Main-tenance option provides the capability to edit the EM systems data files. These files contain system information, and provide information that is used as inputs to the various EM System Application functions. The EM system data files consist of the Platform file, the Jammer file, and the ESM file.

PROPAGATION CONDITIONS. The Propagation Conditions program provides the capability to provide either an actual EM Prop-agation Conditions Summary or a Historical EM Propagation Conditions Summary.

The EM Propagation Conditions Summary (PCS) output consists of a graphical depiction of the refractive conditions, a plain language narrative describing the generalized refractive effects expected, and the proper settings for the SPS-48 surface-search radar.

The Historical EM Propagation Conditions (HEPC) Summary provides tables summarizing the percent occurrence of enhanced ranges, surface-based ducts and elevated ducts, an evaporation duct histogram, and a general meteorology summary. These are provided for operator-specified months and locations.

ELECTROMAGNETIC APPLICATIONS. The Electromagnetic Applications option provides access to the following application programs: Electromagnetic Coverage; Electromagnetic Path Loss Versus Range; Surface-Search Radar Range Tables; Electronic Support Measures Range Tables; Platform Vulnerability; Battle Group Vulnerability; Electronic Countermeasures Effec-tiveness; Chaff Planning and Prediction; and Automode.

The Electromagnetic Coverage (COVER) program provides a display of radar detection or communication coverage in the vertical plane. The output diagrams provide the information necessary to plan flight profiles for airborne systems to achieve the maximum probability of detecting targets. It is also used to plan flight profiles of attacking aircraft against surface targets to minimize the probability of detection and to alert surface units to holes in their radar coverage against attacking aircraft or missiles. 

The Electromagnetic Path Loss Versus Range (LOSS) program provides displays of electro-magnetic path loss with respect to range. This program is used to assess the performance of user-specified electromagnetic systems against specific airborne targets under given atmospheric conditions and to determine maximum detection, communication, and intercept ranges.

The Surface-Search Radar (SSR) Range program determines detection ranges of predefine U.S. and hostile surface targets for the SPS-10 and SPS-55 surface-search radars. The output ranges are for a 90% probability of detection. These ranges are used by a tactical commander to alter the disposition of the forces as necessary to maximize the effectiveness of the search effort.

The Electronic Support Measures (ESM) program calculates and displays maximum intercept ranges of U.S. and hostile surface-based emitters by U.S. surface-based ESM receivers. This capability allows the development of an ESM employment plan that maximizes the potential for detecting target emitters.

The Platform Vulnerability (PV) and Battle functions are used to assess the vulnerability of a platform or a battle group to an airborne or surface-based ESM system. Outputs are provided by bar charts and platform diagrams.

The Electronic Countermeasures (ECM) program provides a measure of air-borne jammer effectiveness against a hostile surface-based radar. This program can determine the optimum locations and flight paths of attack for tactical jamming aircraft.

The Chaff Planning and Prediction program provides an all-encompassing routine for tactical Chaff operations that includes Chaff planning considerations, Chaff characteristics, aircraft and dispenser capabilities, real-time environmental conditions, threat parameters, and proposed Chaff tactics in a logical and operator-convenient interactive format.

Automode provides a method to quickly produce output displays for the PCS, COVER, LOSS, ECM, and Platform Vulnerability pro-grams. Automode executes these programs in a background mode and automatically sends the output to the Briefing Support program. The pro-grams are executed according to the last selections made during the individual program runs. The Briefing Support program is then used to print the displays or data into a briefing file.

ELECTROOPTICAL APPLICATIONS. The Electrooptical Applications option provides access to the Forward-Looking Infrared range program and the Laser Range Prediction program.

The Forward-Looking Infrared (FLIR) program determines the operational ranges of airborne FLIR devices against surface targets. Ranges are given as a function of height and represent a 50% probability of detection.

The Laser Range Prediction (LRP) program displays range information for exposures to low-level laser radiation, both by height versus range and by differences between day and night conditions. The program also displays range versus time of exposure, for different levels of exposure to laser radiation.

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