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Oceanographic Programs

The TESS Oceanographic programs section consists of the following programs: Sound Speed Profile; Ocean Data Analysis; Raytrace; Near-Surface Ocean Thermal Structure; Tidal Prediction; Search and Rescue; and Magnetic Anomaly Detection (MAD) Operational Effec-tiveness.

The Sound Speed Profile (SSP) program provides surface to bottom sound speed profiles for given dates and locations for specified oceanographic conditions. This program merges on-scene expendable bathythermograph data with historical temperature and salinity data. The merged profile is converted to a sound speed profile, which is used as input to the Near-Surface Ocean Thermal Structure, Ocean Data Analysis, Raytrace, Passive Acoustic Propagation Loss, and Sensor Performance Prediction programs.

The Ocean Data Analysis (ODA) program is a tool for synoptic analysis of the ocean thermal structure, acoustic properties, and bottom characteristics. Temperature, sound speed, depth, gradient, and bottom analysis are displayed as tabular outputs, area plots, single traces, multiple traces, overlays, or vertical sections.

The Raytrace program produces raytrace diagrams based on the sound speed profile generated by the Sound Speed Profile program. The operator specifies a set of rays and the bottom topography. Bottom depth/range pairs may be automatically retrieved from the permanent data base by operator-specified bearings.

The Near-Surface Ocean Thermal Structure (NOTS) program is used to forecast changes in the upper ocean thermal structure due to mixing, heating, and cooling. Mixing is caused by surface winds, whereas heating and cooling are caused by heat fluxes, precipitation, and evaporation. The program outputs forecast temperature profiles with respect to depth; these profiles can be input to the Sound Speed Profile model for use in various TESS acoustic programs.

The Tidal Prediction (TIDES) model com-bines location-specific tide data, astronomical effects, and bathymetric effects to yield quick, reliable tidal predictions. Outputs consist of graphic and tabular depictions of tidal height versus time at individual locations, as well as tidal heights at a given time for several locations of interest.

The Search and Rescue (NAVSAR) model provides the capability to compute search recommendations and search-and-rescue effec-tiveness probabilities. The outputs are based upon ocean currents, wind, and search asset informa-tion. Upper-air data is used as input when a pilot ejection is involved.

The MAD Operational Effectiveness (MOE) program produces chart displays of the magnetic anomalies produced from geologic sources. These charts can aid the tactical planner in alerting him to areas of high geologic noise, which may affect the operational capabilities of the MAD equipment.

The contours displayed indicate the maximum expected amplitude of the geologic noise (in nanoteslas) that will pass through the MAD system filters. The tactical planner uses this information to make the most effective use of the platforms equipped with MAD gear (ASQ-10, ASQ-81V). Aircraft platforms include the P-3, S-3, SH-2, SH-3 and SH-60/LAMPS MK III.

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