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Acoustic Programs

The TESS Acoustic programs consist of Passive Acoustic Propagation Loss; Range-Independent Propagation Loss; Sensor Perform-ance Prediction; Generalized Range-Dependent Acoustic Driver; Ambient Noise; and Tactical Oceanographic/Acoustic Spreadsheet. 

The Passive Acoustic Propagation Loss (PPL) program computes signal propagation loss as a function of range dependence or independence for a given set of geometric, environmental, and sonar-dependent data within the area of interest.

The Range-Independent Propagation Loss program calculates transmission loss as a function of range (without regard to direction), frequency, source depth, and receiver depth. The calculations from this program are used in the prediction of sensor performance within a specified ocean-area of interest.

The Generalized Range-Dependent Acoustic (GENRAD) is an environmental module designed to aid execution of the Navy Standard Range-Dependent passive propagation loss models (that is, Parabolic Equation and CZ Astral). GENRAD provides a means to position on-scene and historical sound speed profiles along a determined trackline(s) to allow range-dependent propagation loss model execution.

The Sensor Performance Prediction (SSP) model computes detection range predictions for various sensor suites. Probability-of-detection ranges are calculated for direct path, convergence zone, and bottom bounce. Median detection ranges (MDR) are computed for various types of sonobouys. Graphic representations of the de-tection coverage of various platforms in a task force are provided, as well as detection coverage for sonobouys and counterdetection by hostile submarines with the NEWCON, FENIKS-M, and VICTOR III sonar suites.

The Ambient Noise (AN) model predicts noise levels resulting from shipping, surface wind, and residual sources. The use of confidence limits, seasonal corrections, and statistical parameters yields a prediction of the variation of ambient noise with distance and direction. Also, corrections for sound frequency and long period temporal variations of the noise are included.

The Tactical Oceanographic/Acoustic Spread-sheet (TOAS) module computes sensor prediction data using the platform/sensor data bases and the propagation loss model data bases. It requires very little operator input.

Message Composing Programs

The message composing module provides the capability to assemble and format bathyther-mograph, ASRAPC, and PHITAR messages.

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