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Satellite Applications

The Satellite Applications section is designed to acquire, process, and display satellite data received from polar-orbiting and geostationary weather satellites. The section is divided into Satellite Ephemeris and Tracking, and Satellite Imagery Application routines.

SATELLITE EPHEMERIS AND TRACKING. The Satellite Ephemeris and Tracking routine is composed of three separate programs; the Editor Orbital Satellite program; the Orbital Satellite Prediction program; and the Geo-stationary Satellite Prediction program.

The Editor Orbital (EDORB) Satellite pro-gram is used to enter, edit, or delete one-line CHARLEY ephemeris data strings. These elements are stored in the Orbital Element Set file for use in the Orbital Satellite Prediction program, which provides satellite-pass summaries consisting of the rise time, set time, pass duration, ships position during the pass, and maximum elevation, for operator-selected satellites. Individual passes may be examined in detail for antenna-aiming and satellite-subpoint data at 1-minute intervals. In addition to the CHARLEY data, the operator must input the ships track.

The Geostationary Satellite Prediction (GSAT) function provides antenna-aiming data based on operator-specified ships position and bearing, along with the satellite longitude.

SATELLITE IMAGERY APPLICA-TIONS. The Satellite Imagery Application pro-grams consist of a TBUS Entry program; a Satellite Track and Schedule program; an Acquire program; an Earth Locate program; a Pathfinder program; and a Display program. 

The TBUS Entry program uses the APT Predict TBUS message to create the epoch parameters and the satellite ephemeris files used to predict the orbits of the NOAA-series polar orbiting satellites. This program also computes the ascending node longitude and time for these satellites.

The Satellite Track and Schedule (ORBIT) program displays orbital paths of the NOAA satellites from existing ephemeris files. This pro-gram also displays the swath of Earth that will be covered by the satellites sensors on each user-specified orbit. Tabular listings of satellite azimuth and elevation angles are also produced.

The Acquire program allows the operator to track, capture, store and display real-time satellite imagery data. The data is displayed in on-scene as it is received line by line. The operator has a limited ability to enhance the image as it is being displayed.

The Earth Locate (NAVIG) program corrects for inaccuracies due to the age of the TBUS data used in the Acquire program. It matches estimated locations of known "ground control points" (GCPs) retrieved, along with coastal points, from a permanent data base for areas corresponding to the image swath, to their actual locations on the image. In other words, it adjusts the latitude/longitude grid on the image (and in the data file) by matching identifiable geographic features with their actual latitude and longitude. 

Pathfinder forms observed-oceanographic-frontal path files and displays the best-guess locations for oceanographic fronts when an area is obscured by clouds. This program operates with the Gulf Stream, the Kuroshio, and the GIUK currents.

A Display (DOALL) program allows the operator to manipulate the image to determine the presence of various atmospheric and oce-anographic phenomena. Color or grey-shade enhancements can be used to identify spe-cific atmospheric/oceanographic features, to determine sea surface temperature gradients, and to analyze cloud-top temperatures and heights.

Briefing Support Program

The Briefing Support program allows the TESS user to assemble, package, and present data for use in mission planning and briefing. Upon display of any graphic or tabular data, the operator may print a hard copy. Without operator intervention, all displayed data will be maintained for 48 hours.

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