Fallout Prediction at Sea Fallout predictions for naval ships are based upon the same principles as those previously discussed for fallout prediction overland. However, there are some differences.GEOGRAPHICAL CHARTS. The geo-graphic charts used by ships are not uniformly scaled; and even on a specific chart, the scale can vary with latitude.TEMPLATE. The shipboard RADFO TEMPLATE is shown in figure 6-9-13. Although similar to the land template, there are differences. The main difference is that the semicircles upwind of GZ on the shipboard template do not reference preselected yield cloud radii. Also, the radial lines 20 degrees to the left and right of the downwind axis are without units of measurement. There is also a table on the shipboard template from which cloud radius and safety distances are indicated for each of the seven standard yield groups of the EDM.NAV EDM. In the NAV EDM, the DDTTTTZ group is the date and the time at which the actual wind conditions were measured or the time for which the winds are forecast. Normally, the message is valid for 6-hours from the time the winds were measured. The effective downwind direction is entered to the nearest whole degree, and the speed is in knots. When the effective downwind speed is less than 5 knots for a given yield group, the dddfff group is not transmitted. Instead, the downwind distance is transmitted as a three-digit group only. |
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