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Effective inventory management depends upon personal involvement by supply managers and supervisors in performing supply functions. Several material management functions performed in different areas in supply directly affect inventory. These include the following functions:

l Allowance list maintenance

l Issue processing

l Receipt processing

l Physical inventory count and reconciliation

l Stock record maintenance


Several files are used in inventory management. Some of these files areas follows:

. Material files-Those files maintained to manage items in stock or to record demand data. Under the Supply Uniform Automated Data Processing System-Real Time (SUADPS-RT), the primary material file is the Basic Material File (BMF).

. Requisition files-A record of all requisitions submitted by the activity or supported units. In SUADPS-RT, the Basic Requisition File (BRF) contains records of requisitions submitted into the supply system.

. Financial files-Data needed to prepare financial inventory or other required reports. . Transaction files-Files used in automated systems to hold transaction records for further processing or producing reports. 

. History files-A complete history of supply processing, yet limit the size of some active files. In automated activities, history files are normally maintained on tapes and are not available in on-line programs.

. DLR Carcass tracking files-Transactions and information concerning the shipment of NRFI DLRs. l Expenditure invoice files-The original or copy of each expenditure document prepared by the activity. . Issue pending files-A copy of each material request forwarded to storage for off-line processing. 

l Proof of delivery file-The signed copy of all documents for material issued. 

. System output files-Reports produced by an automated system. These reports are printed on computer paper and filed separately in an appropriate binder or cabinet. Automated files are maintained by entering the record(s) in the computer in an interactive or batch processing method. The interactive processing method is performed by using the computer function via the data entry screen to input records in a manual format. Batch processing is normally accomplished by using a magnetic tape record format. Some of the records that are batch processed are as follows . Management data reconciliation. At least annually, ships submit the request for records reconciliation to NAVICP-Mechanicsburg (formerly WCC). The NAVICP-Mechanicsburg in turn provides a tape of change notice actions tailored to the activity's records, . Annual price change tape is provided by NAVICP-Mechanicsburg to update the prices of items in the stock records. l The Recording Demand Data function allows transfer of internal demand data to the demand history file.

Refer to the automated operating procedures used in your activity for additional information concerning batch processing.

Western Governors University

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