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Today, photography is characterized by a rapid growth in the development of technology and ideas. Each year, millions of pictures are taken and an astonishing array of new films, cameras and imaging systems enter the market.

One of the great attractions of the photography field is the ease with which basic skills can be learned. Unlike some of the older arts that take years of training to produce an acceptable product, anyone can quickly learn how to take a picture; however, photographic techniques must be mastered before you can become an accomplished photographer; therefore, mastery of the basic fundamentals is the foundation upon which you will build your photographic and professional skills as a Navy Photographer's Mate. The photographic techniques presented in this chapter are essential in producing quality photographs, and you can apply each of these fundamentals, to some extent, each time you take a picture.


Many photographs have been ruined because of camera movement. Unless you want a blurred picture, keeping your camera steady when shooting is crucial. The longer the exposure or focal-length lens you use, the more crucial holding your camera steady becomes; therefore, there are many instances when the use of a tripod or some other type of camera support is necessary.

The following section provides general guidelines for the various methods used to support a camera to ensure quality results. These are not necessarily the only or even the best ways to support a camera. You should practice supporting your camera using various methods; then select those that are most appropriate for the situation and the subject being photographed. Practice should include all the camera functions you normally use on actual photographic assignments. Concentrate on composing through the viewfinder, focusing, selecting shutter speeds and f/stops, holding the flash off the camera, depressing the shutter release, and winding the film.

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