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Asymmetrical, or informal, balance is usually much more interesting than symmetrical balance. In asymmetrical balance the imaginary central pivot point is still presumed to be present; however, instead of mirror images on each side of the picture area, the subject elements are notably different in size, shape, weight, tone, and placement. Balance is established by equalizing the element forces in spite of their differences.

Asymmetrical balance is introduced when the presumed weight of two or more lighter objects is equalized by a single heavier object placed on the other side of the imaginary pivot point (fig. 5-10). Asymmetrical balance is more difficult to achieve than symmetrical balance, because of the problem of establishing relative weight values for dissimilar elements within the picture area as well as presenting some form of stability.

Aspects of Balance

There are many other factors to consider in order to make pictures appear balanced. Some of these are as follows:

An object far from the center of the picture seems to have more weight than one near the center.

Objects in the upperpart of a picture seem heavier than objects of the same size in the lower part of a picture.

Isolation seems to increase the weight of an object.

Intensely interesting objects seem to have more compositional weight.

Regular shapes seem to have more weight than irregular shapes.

Elements on the right side of an asymmetrical picture appear to have more weight than elements of the same size on the left side of the picture.

The directions in which figures, lines, and shapes appear to be moving within the picture area are important to balance; for example, a person may be walking in a direction, or his eyes may be looking in a direction, or the shape of some element creates a feeling of movement. When the feeling of direction is present within a scene, it tends to upset the balance if judged on the size of the subject alone.

Understanding the factors required to create pictorial balance is essential for you to produce good pictures. To gain this understanding, you can continually test your feelings for balance as you look through your camera viewfinder. Once you gain an understanding of the principles of pictorial balance, achieving balance in your photographs becomes an easy process.

Figure 5-11. Silhouettes emphasize shape.

Western Governors University

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