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All storeroom custodians should have a pair of leather work gloves because much of the work done inside the storerooms requires manual handling of stock due to limited space. It is important that you understand how to lift correctly because many times custodians do not think about how to lift or handle materials. The results of improper handling of materials may result in a painful hernia, a strained or pulled muscle, or a disk lesion. The correct method of lifting objects is shown in figure 3-6. You should observe the following rules and precautions for lifting:

1. Do NOT lift an object if it is too heavy or too bulky for good balance. Get help or use mechanical aids such as a dolly or hand truck.

2. Keep the load close to the center of your body. The farther the load is from the small of your back, the greater the strain. That is the reason a heavy compact load is easier to lift than a bulky, lighter load- you just cannot get the bulky object close to you. The best way to handle a compact load is to squat down close to the load with one foot alongside it and the other foot behind it. With the feet comfortably spread, you will have better stability with the rear foot in the position for the upward thrust of the lift.

Figure 3-6.- Manual lifting.

3. Pull the load toward you, then lift it gradually. Avoid quick and jerky motions. Push up on your legs while keeping your back straight.

A straight back keeps the spine, back muscles, and other organs of the body in the correct alignment. Tucking in your chin helps to align the spine. No matter what size the load, get as close to it as you can; then get a good grip by using the full palm and extending your fingers and hands around the object. Remember that your fingers have very little power and need the strength of your entire hand. Keep your arms and elbows tucked into the side of your body to help keep the body weight centered. Avoid twisting your body during the lift or while moving the load; change directions by moving your feet. Twisting your body during a lift is one of the most common causes of back injury.

4. Be sure to have a clear vision over the load you are handling.

5. Do NOT change your grip while carrying the load.

6. Face the spot in which you intend to set the object down; bend your knees keeping your back as straight as possible and the weight of the object close to your body.

7. Always allow enough room for the load to prevent injury to your toes and fingers.

8. When you are placing a load on the table or bench, set it down on the edge and push it forward with your arms and body. If the load is too heavy or too awkward for you to move alone- GET HELP! Remember: LIFT WITH YOUR LEGS, NOT YOUR BACK!

Markings of Stock
The bulk storeroom custodian is largely responsible for the condition of stock in his or her custody. The custodian must make sure stocks are rotated (first in, first out) so that older stocks do not become shelf-worn or deteriorated while newer stocks are broken out to the ship's store activities. The bulk storeroom custodian can prevent this from happening by placing ROM-generated labels on each case and marking the receipt date or manufacture date on each case before it is stowed. The labels generated by the ROM system contain information about each stock item. These labels, when used, should be placed on a predetermined spot on each stock item by the responsible custodian. The manufacture date is a coded date shown by some manufacturers on each case. These codes are currently contained in NAVRESSOINST 4067.4, issued by NAVRESSO. For items that may be highly perishable or deteriorate easily, you should use the manufacture date and not the receipt date. When you use the receipt date instead of the manufacture date you are not considering the time the item has been in the supplier's warehouse. If, for example, the shelf life of the item is 5 months and the manufacture date is November 89, the product may begin to spoil or deteriorate around April 90. If you receive the item in February 90 and use the date of receipt, you are not considering the 3-month lapse between manufacture and receipt. NAVRESSOINST 4067.4 contains codes used by various manufacturers to indicate the date of manufacture for products such as candy, cookies, crackers, tobacco products, canned drinks, and film. A copy of this instruction should be maintained in the bulk storeroom for use by the bulk storeroom custodian.

Western Governors University

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