Operating the ROM When the ROM system is initially turned on or when it is reset, the computer will check for the most recent backup date. If a week has passed since the last backup was made, you will need to refer to the ROM system Terminal User's Guide, appendix E, for the Zenith Z-248 and appendix G for the Honeywell AP system to accomplish a backup. If this is not done, the ROM system will not allow you access to the ROM Log On screen. Backups should be done daily. If no backup is required, the message SYSTEM INITIALIZA-TION IN PROGRESS will display on the screen. If no errors are discovered during the system's initialization, the ROM Log On screen will automatically display. If an error is discovered during the system's initialization, you will not be allowed access to the ROM Log On screen until the error is corrected. The backup and restore procedures contained in appendix E for the Zenith Z-248 and appendix G for the Honeywell AP system will explain how to restore the data files and reenter data to the current date. To gain access to and use the ROM system, you must have a three-position user ID and a six-position password. The system's administrator who is the ship's store officer will assign this ID and password to you. You should be careful not to divulge this information to anyone. Once the ROM Log On screen appears, enter your three-position user ID and six-position password. To start the ROM enter 1 for the selection and depress return. If your ID and password are valid, the ROM master menu will be displayed indicating the various options and functions of the ROM system. You may continue from this point with the function that you are assigned access. If you are not assigned access to a particular function, you will not be allowed access to the function by the ROM system. ROM System Screens and Screen Information The functions of ROM are processed by selecting and entering information on terminal screens. There are two basic types of screens, the menu screen and data display/data entry screen. The menu screen displays various options that are available to you to select for ROM functions or subfunctions. To select an option on a menu screen, you enter the appropriate option number and depress the Enter/Return key. A data display screen (fig. 1-1) shows the actual data that is already in the files. This data
Figure 1-1.-Sample data display screen. 1-3 is usually for information purposes and cannot be changed on the screen. A data entry screen (fig. 1-2) indifferent from a data display screen because it allows (requires) new data to be entered or changes to be made to an existing record. To use the data entry screen, you enter data as applicable, check the entry for accuracy, depress the Enter/Return key, or the correct function key indicated by the instructions located at the bottom of each data entry screen. Always remember, the ROM system does not recognize lowercase letters. Therefore, the lock key should be depressed to the lock position before any data is entered. Since the lock key only affects letters, it should be kept in that position. ROM Function Keys After making selection 1 from the Resale Operations Log On screen, the ROM master menu will be displayed. The ROM master menu (fig. 1-3) displays 17 selections that represent the functions of ROM. You must make your selections from this screen. A selection is made by entering the function number and depressing ENTER. Once this is done a second menu will appear on the screen for the particular function you chose. This menu screen will list different F keys from which you will have to select. In the ROM system these F keys are referred to as function keys. These function keys, F1 through F10, and the Esc key usually will be used as described below; any exceptions will be noted as they apply: F1-Adds a record to a file. Takes the information entered on the screen and creates a new record. F2-Modifies an existing record. Takes any changes entered on the screen and modifies the applicable record on file with the new information. F3-Selects a record from the file. Deletes the record currently being displayed on the screen. F4-Prints reports. Prints the report that is indicated on the screen. F5-Views first entry. Displays the records from the file being accessed starting with the first record. F6-Views next entry. Displays the next set of records from the file currently displayed on the screen.
Figure 1-2.-Sample data entry screen. 1-4
Figure 1-3.-ROM master menu. F7-Views or displays. Displays, usually on a separate screen, the information described on the current screen in the F7 key description. F8-Finds a particular record. Takes the record identification code specified in the field provided and searches for that record. The screen will then display the specified record, or if that record does not exist, it will display the first record that follows the specified record. F9-Respecifies current record. Allows a record to be respecified during viewing. F10-Exits from the current screen to the screen previously displayed. ESC-Exits. Exits from the current screen and returns to the ROM master menu. You should save all source documents or transactions entered in the ROM until you have a successful backup at the end of the day, at which time they can be filed. If there is no source document, you should keep a list of transactions. If, for any reason, the ROM system cannot be used, you should save all data until the system is back on line and reenter it at that time. Upon completion of ROM processing, you must exit the system so someone without authority won't have access to the system by using your security access. This information is now available on CD in Adobe PDF Printable Format |
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