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Logging Off the ROM System

Once you have completed your functions on the ROM, you will have to log off the system. To log off the system, depress Esc until the ROM master menu is displayed. Then enter 16 and depress RETURN/ENTER. If you are using the Zenith Z-248, enter the word ship then Y to position the read/write heads on the hard disk to a safe location. If you are using Honeywell AP, enter PARKAP, then depress any key other than ENTER to park the heads. Depress the ON/OFF power switches of the monitor and terminal. Then turn the printer switch to the OFF position.

Maintaining the ROM System

The maintenance of the ROM system should be done by qualified technicians only. Any problems that cannot be resolved by the ROM user should be referred to the ship's store officer for action. The ROM system itself does not require a lot of maintenance. The most common problem you will have with the ROM system is dust which builds up over a period of time when the computer is not cleaned. To cut down on dust buildup you should always cover the keyboard and the computer when it is not in use. Occasionally the user may want to wipe or dust fingerprints off the cabinets of the monitor screen. If so, use the following suggestions when you clean your equipment: . Before cleaning make sure the power is off.

l Use only a cloth that has been slightly dampened with water or a nondetergent cleaning solution.

. Do not use spray liquids or soaking-wet cloths.

. If you wipe the computer with a damp cloth, make sure everything is dry before you turn it back on.

. Do not attempt to clean floppy disks.

A trouble call desk has been set up by NAVMASSO to receive fleet reported problems regarding the ROM. Procedures for trouble reporting are contained in the ROM Terminal User's Guide appendix D.


There are several files that must be maintained in the ship's store operation. Your manual ship's store files are used to hold important documents and provide a record of each ship's store transaction. Your resale operations management (ROM) files are used to provide a record of the transactions entered in the ROM system database. Without these files the ship's store officer would be unable to keep track of important documents and transactions and would encounter problems when preparing the financial returns.

As a Ship's Serviceman second class you may be required to maintain the ship's store files. To maintain these files properly, you will need to know what is contained in each file and how to use them and keep them up to date. In this chapter we will discuss the ship's store files (including the ROM files).


All information entered into the ROM system by the user is contained in data files. Each file contains one or more records. Each record contains several fields that are equivalent to the blocks of information shown on manual forms in the file cabinet. The information in these files is added, deleted, or modified by the ROM system based on the information entered by the ROM user. For instance, the ROM cash contribution file lists all cash contributions posted to the ROM during the current accounting period. This file will be changed by the ROM automatically as cash contribution information or data is entered in the ROM system data base.


Files SSA-1 through SSA-24 will be established and maintained in the ship's store office. The ROM system generates many of the forms used in the ship's store operation. The ROM form is as valid as the NAVSUP form and the format of both is the same. The following forms are generated by the ROM system:

l Ship's Store Afloat Financial Control Record, NAVSUP Form 235

l Vending Machine Control Record, NAVSUP Form 236

l Ship's Store Inventory Count Sheet, NAVSUP Form 238

l Stock Record, NAVSUP Form 464

l Intra-Store Transfer Data, NAVSUP Form 973

l Journal of Receipts, NAVSUP Form 977

l Journal of Expenditures, NAVSUP Form 978

l Number Control, NAVSUP Form 980

l Retail Price Change, NAVSUP Form 983

l Tax-Free Cigarette Inventory, NAVSUP Form 1234

l Ship's Store Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Statement, NAVCOMPT Form 153

l Inventory control record

l Outstanding requisition/purchase order control record

The ROM system does not produce all forms used to document transactions. Because of this, documents placed in the SSA files may either be the standard NAVSUP form or the ROM-generated form. For complete procedures on document distribution, you should refer to appendix C of the Ships Store Afloat, NAVSUP P-487.


File SSA-1 is the financial control file. It contains the Ship's Store Afloat Financial Control Record, NAVSUP Form 235. The primary purpose of the NAVSUP Form 235 is to determine accurately whether a ship's store activity is operating within the prescribed monetary limits. The NAVSUP Form 235 must be balanced and closed out at the end of each accounting period and at any other time when directed by the commanding officer.

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