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Material Inspection and Receiving Report, DD Form 250

The Material Inspection and Receiving Report, DD Form 250, is used to verify material

Figure 3-8.-Report of nonreceipt, damage, or nonconformance. 3-9

inspection and acceptance for items received directly from a contractor. Receiving personnel review the DD Form 250 to determine what type of certification is required. The types of certification are as follows.

Acceptance at destination (code D). When acceptance at destination (code D) has been indicated in block 8, and 21B indicates procurement quality assurance (PQA) and acceptance, a qualified technician from the ordering department is contacted to inspect and certify material acceptability in block 21B.

Receiving personnel must certify the quantity received in block 22. If the quantity received is different than the quantity indicated or if the material is damaged, the quantity in column 17 must be lined out and the quantity received in good condition entered and circled. An explanation of the differences is written directly below the adjusted quantity as shown in figure 3-9. When acceptance at destination (code D) has been indicated in block 8 and block 21A has been completed for PQA at origin, receiving personnel then certify the quantity received in block 22. Quantity differences are documented the same way as previously discussed.

Acceptance code S or O. When acceptance code S or O (source or other) has been indicated in block 8 and block 21A has been completed for PQA and acceptance, receiving personnel need only to certify the quantity received in block 22.

Figure 3-9.-Material Inspection and Receiving Report, DD Form 250. 3-10

Material receipt. Receipts for material received on a DD Form 250 must be processed as soon as possible to fulfill the discount terms indicated in block 5. This type of material is normally expensive and expedited processing can result in a reduced cost to the government (fig. 3-9).

Government Bill of Lading (GBL), Standard Form 1103

commercial carrier or to provide receipt documentation to the ordering activity. Shore activities sometimes divert commercial deliveries directly to ships in the area to eliminate the need for double handling of material. In such cases, it is the ship's responsibility to notify the ashore support activity of any material received short or damaged. Deliveries by commercial carriers are not always scheduled. Receiving personnel must be able to react quickly to unexpected deliveries to avoid additional charges against the government by the commercial carrier. A sample GBL is shown in be used to provide delivery instructions to a figure 3-10.

A Government Bill of Lading (GBL), Standard Form 1103 or Standard Form 1103B, may 

Figure 3-10.-Government Bill of Lading, Standard Form 1103. 3-11

Western Governors University

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