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Reconciliation Reports

When NOC requests a reconciliation report to correct errors between the ship's data files and the CAIMS database, you should submit a response in the format shown in figure 17-17. When the on-hand balance of a NALC listed on the reconciliation request does not agree with your data files, an on-sight inventory must be conducted to verify the actual on-hand balance. The reconciliation report shown in figure 17-17 shows no change in the ship's data files because the on-hand balance as of the last report (column B) and the current on-hand balance (column L) is the same. However, when the on-sight inventory results in GBIs or LBIs, columns C and J have to be completed as appropriate. Paragraph 7 of the report should reference the date-time group of the reconciliation request received and provide amplifying remarks when GBIs or LBIs exist.

Corrected Reports

The request for a corrected report is always initiated by NOC to the activity concerned. When an activity is advised by NOC that a corrected report is required, it should be submitted in the format shown in figure 17-18. Normally, NOC requests a corrected report under the following circumstances: A report is not in mathematical balance; an erroneous NALC has been reported; the beginning on-hand balance does not equal the last ending on-hand balance.

Corrected reports should be submitted by message using the identical date and ATR serial number of the original report. Only those items that are corrected should be included in paragraph 6. Paragraph 7 of the report should contain the words CORRECTED REPORT IAW NOC (use appropriate message date-time group). When the corrected entry in paragraph 6 alters the SLIT/registry data, enter these changes in paragraph 7.

Figure 17-17.-ATR showing reconciliation response.

Figure 17-18.-ATR showing corrected report.

Modified Reports

In contrast to corrected reports, modified reports (fig. 17-19) are initiated by the activity. An activity should submit a new report when it discovers an incorrect NALC has been reported; serial numbers of SLIT items were improperly reported; or an improper quantity was reported as a receipt, issue, expenditure, transfer, or LBI. The new report must be assigned a new ATR serial number, and you should use the present date.

You should use whatever transactions (including GBIs or LBIs) are required to bring the reported on-hand balances submitted on the last ATR into agreement with the actual on-hand balance. Adjustments of receipts, issues, LBIs, and so forth, are done by using the beginning inventory entry in column B for the modified report. This entry can be obtained from the ending inventory on the last ATR for the NALCs involved.

Paragraph 7 should contain a statement similar to the following: MODIFICATION OF DATA SUBMITTED ON ATR XXX FOR NALCS XXXX, XXXX, AND XXXX. Column J entries must be explained in detail in paragraph 7, and reference the DTG of the MLSR report submitted.

Western Governors University

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