spectrum analyzer will automatically (upon microcomputer control) go into the following conditions. If you do not find these indications, there is a probably a problem with the unit. Vertical display: 10 dB/div; Frequency: 0.00 MHz; REF level: +30 dB; RF attenuation: 60 dB; Frequency range: 0.0 to 1.8 GHz; Auto resolution: 1 MHz; ">

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With power applied (power knob pulled out), the spectrum analyzer will automatically (upon microcomputer control) go into the following conditions.

If you do not find these indications, there is a probably a problem with the unit.

  • Vertical display: 10 dB/div;
  • Frequency: 0.00 MHz;
  • REF level: +30 dB;
  • RF attenuation: 60 dB;
  • Frequency range: 0.0 to 1.8 GHz;
  • Auto resolution: 1 MHz;
  • Resolution bandwidth: 1 MHz;
  • Freq Span/Div: Max;
  • Triggering: Free run;
  • Readout: On;
  • Digital storage: View A/View B On;
  • All other indicators off or inactive.

Western Governors University

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