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SUMMARY Now that we have completed this chapter, we will briefly review the more important points covered. A CATHODE-RAY TUBE (CRT) is used in an oscilloscope to display the waveforms. The CRT used in oscilloscopes consists of an ELECTRON GUN, a DEFLECTION SYSTEM, and a FLUORESCENT SCREEN. The ELECTRON BEAM in an oscilloscope is allowed to be controlled in any direction by means of HORIZONTAL- and VERTICAL-DEFLECTION PLATES. VERTICAL-DEFLECTION PLATES are used to show AMPLITUDE of a signal. HORIZONTAL-DEFLECTION PLATES are used to show TIME and/or FREQUENCY relationship. A GRATICULE is a calibrated scale of AMPLITUDE VERSUS TIME that is placed on the face of the CRT. A DUAL-TRACE OSCILLOSCOPE is designed to accept two vertical inputs at the same time. It uses a single beam of electrons shared by two channels. The SPECTRUM ANALYZER accepts an electrical input signal and displays the signal's frequency and amplitude on a CRT display. |