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Whether you take photographs from the rear seat of a jet or from the open door of a helicopter, you must be checked out and become thoroughly familiar with the necessary safety equipment and applicable safety procedures. Before the flight, you should arrive at the aircraft or briefing area in sufficient time for the preflight brief. The main responsibility of the pilot is to fly you and your photographic equipment to the target, put the aircraft in position for photographing, and return to the base safely. The pilot knows the limitations of the aircraft and what procedures to follow in an emergency. Ask the pilot about emergency plans and FOLLOW this advice.

Aircrew personal protective equipment plays an essential role in the safety and survival of people flying in Navy aircraft. The equipment is designed to protect them from the elements and to provide necessary comfort for efficient mission performance. Its primary function is to protect a crew member against the environmental hazards. Different combinations of clothing and equipment are used to provide overall protection and comfort to an air crew member under various flight, emergency, and environmental conditions.

Aircrew protective equipment is designed to meet the stress of a combat environment and to provide fire protection and camouflage with various other escape and evasion design features. Emphasis is placed on developing materials and clothing assemblies to enhance an individual's chance of survival and to minimize injuries in an aircraft accident.

Before flying in an aircraft, you must obtain the proper personal protective equipment specified for the type of aircraft in which you will be flying. The squadron-, intermediate-, or depot-level maintenance activities can provide you with the required equipment. YOU MUST NOT FLY WITHOUT THE PROPER EQUIPMENT and the equipment must fit you correctly. Your life may depend on it.


Unauthorized modification or deviation from prescribed life support and survival equipment by individual crew members could create safety hazards. NATOPS General Flight and Operating Instructions, OPNAVINST 3710.7, specifies minimum requirements for such equipment and is supplemented by the naval air training and operating procedures standardization program for each specific model of aircraft. Peculiar configurations or modifications to life support and survival equipment are not authorized. Aircrew Survival Equipmentman (PR) who issue and maintain this equipment have no authority or responsibility to perform these actions, so do not ask them to do so.

During takeoffs and landings, your photo gear must be made secure within the aircraft, so it does not become a hazard. When your equipment consists of small items, such as a hand-held camera and exposure meter, hold them in your lap. Tie-down straps or passenger seat belts provide a means of securing bulky equipment. If you cannot find the means to secure your equipment on board the aircraft, request assistance from the plane captain or another crew member. During flights in a helicopter, keep all photo gear secure. This will prevent it from falling out an open door. It is a violation of federal law to drop objects from aircraft while in flight. When working in or leaning out of an open door or window in an aircraft, you should use a neck strap or wrist strap to secure your camera and other items.

During takeoff and landing, you should occupy a designated passenger seat. Once airborne and before you approach an open door, you must have a properly adjusted, securely anchored crew member's safety harness around your waist. The crew member's safety harness should be adjusted BEFORE TAKEOFF. Attach the snap hook of the harness to a tie-down ring on the deck of the aircraft. The tie-down ring should be about 3 to 4 feet from the open door. Never attach the snap hook to pipes, tubes, cables, or similar items. Place the harness around your waist and fasten the latch and link assembly. Pull the adjustment straps of the waist portion of the harness, so it fits snugly around your waist. Now adjust the length of the safety strap, so you can sit in the open doorway and still lean forward about 1 foot.

Western Governors University

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